Chakra Essential Oils
Chakra essential oils help to calm and balance emotions and the mind. Essential oils have an ancient history of use in religious rituals as well as for medicinal purposes. Essential oils operate on many levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. Essential oils are volatile, meaning they evaporate easily. They also affect into the sense of smell, which is part of the limbic system. This is where memories and emotions are often stored in the brain.
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Root Chakra Essential Oils
Imbalances in the root chakra can appear as anxiety disorders, nightmares, and fears about safety and security. A strong root chakra is also important for the health of the colon, bladder, lower back, legs and feet. A mantra or belief for the root chakra is “I am safe.”
Primary Root Chakra Essential Oils
Although recommendations may vary, the following essential oils are generally associated with helping to balance and heal the root chakra: Angelica, Clove and Rosemary. These oils can be diffused or used in conjunction with chanting, meditation, affirmations or prayer.
More About the Root Chakra
Learn more in a full article on the Root Chakra. Purchase these essential oils for the root chakra from Young Living as referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo: Angelica Essential Oil, Clove Essential Oil and Rosemary Essential Oil.
Root Chakra Emotional Healing
Root chakra essential oils assist in issues connected with safety, security and establishing a strong foundation for your life. The root chakra is connected to the earth and helps with grounding in your environment.
Foundation of the Root Chakra
The root or base chakra provides the foundation upon which the other chakras rest. The root chakra can also be seen as connected with your personal and ancestral history. These are the roots that can either bind you to the earth in a negative sense or give you a strong base and presence in the world.
Role of the Root Chakra
This chakra is associated with establishing connection and survival:
- Connection to your physical body
- Connection to the earth
- Connection to the environment
- Survival instincts for food and shelter
- Safety, comfort and belonging

Angelica Essential Oil (Root Chakra)
Angelica essential oil is steam distilled from the root of a plant in the parsley family. Europeans have named this essential oil the “oil of the angels” because its strong healing powers. Although Angelica oil is not mentioned specifically in the Bible, the oil was used during that historic time period.
Angelica for Protection from Illness
In later years, angelica was believed to protect individuals from the plague. In addition, the stems of the angelica plant were chewed to prevent infection. The seeds and roots were also burned to purify the air. Furthermore, angelica essential oil is wonderful for supporting the health of the lungs, throat, digestion and to assist with feminine cycles. Purchase Angelica Essential Oil from Young Living under Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.
Spiritual Benefits of Angelica Oil
Some believe that angelica root is of divine origin. When applied on the body, angelica oil can assist in releasing pent up emotions from traumatic past experiences. Angelica is believed to restore the body back to a balanced state before the negative experience occurred.
Angelica Oil and the Human Aura
Angelica oil is also believed to increase the intensity and size of the aura or body’s electric field. Essential oils are thought to lift the body’s frequencies to healthy levels. Disease is purported to reside in lower frequencies.
Frequency of Angelic Essential Oil
The electromagnetic frequencies of essential oils can be measured in megahertz. Angelica essential oil (Angelica archangelica) vibrates at 85 MHz. This frequency is high enough to help neutralize negative energy and discordant states.
Ways to Use Angelica Essential Oil
Diffuse angelica essential oil in your bedroom or living areas. Angelica can be applied directly to the body. Always test small amounts and dilute with pure oils such as almond oil as desired.
Application Directly on the Body
Application areas on the body include the wrists, shoulders, neck, or chest. Angelica can also be applied to the crown, chest, forehead, or ears. This helps to stimulate the crown chakra and can assist in spiritual practices and awareness.
Using Angelic Oil for Relaxation
For a relaxing experience, place a few drops in a warm bath. Or place a few drops on your hands, rub them together and then inhale with hands lightly cupped.
Clove Essential Oil (Root Chakra)
Clove essential oil has an earthy and grounding fragrance. This connects clove essential oil to the root chakra. Dried cloves are often used for flavoring hot winter beverages (apple cider, chai tea, and mulled wine). Cloves also flavor winter dishes like stewed fruit, pumpkin pie and gingerbread.
Medicinal Benefits of Clove
Clove essential oil has been used in Eastern medicine and treatments for centuries. Clove is valued for its antiviral effects. Historically, clove has protected people against disease during epidemics. In terms of traditional herbal uses, clove oil has been used for gum or tooth discomfort.
Emotional Impact of Clove Oil
On emotional and psychological levels, this powerful essential oil can help create a sense of protection and courage. Clove essential oil brings a feeling of warmth and familiarity. When used consistently, clove essential oil helps to dispel fear.
Finding Cloves Essential Oil
Clove essential oil is available from Young Living Essential Oils as a single oil. Clove is also included in the well-known blend called “Thieves.” This blend includes clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus radiata and rosemary. Thieves is an excellent essential oil for purifying your environment. Other Thieves products include household cleaner, laundry soap, toothpaste, hand soap, mouthwash and more! Purchase Clove Essential Oil from Young Living under Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.
Rosemary Essential Oil (Root Chakra)
Historically, rosemary essential oil was burned to protect against infection. This oil is a powerful disinfectant and energizes the environment. Additionally, rosemary essential oil can assist with mental and emotional clarity helping to clear limiting beliefs and to reaffirm truth and purpose.
Sacral Chakra Essential Oils
Imbalances in the sacral chakra can appear as lower back pain, infertility/PMS, digestive problems, lack of energy and kidney/gallbladder issues. Depression from suppressing emotions or uncontrolled erratic outbursts of emotion can be a sign as well. There are essential oils that can help to balance and heal the sacral chakra.
Sacral Chakra and Emotions
The sacral chakra is the center of emotions and feelings, including the body’s beliefs regarding pleasure and desire. A balanced sacral chakra experiences full expression of sensuality and creativity. A positive affirmation for the sacral chakra is “I allow myself to feel.”
Primary Sacral Chakra Oils
Essential oils to support this chakra include Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, Jasmine, Patchouli. The use of these oils might be to support conception but might also be for healing your relationship with your deepest self or other types of close relationships with others. Learn more: Sacral Chakra.
Finding Sacral Chakra Oils
Purchase essential oils for the sacral chakra from Young Living as referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo: Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, Jasmine, and Patchouli.

Patchouli Essential Oil (Sacral Chakra)
My favorite of these is Patchouli, which I often wear as a perfume. Patchouli assists in developing feelings of belonging and stability. Patchouli comes from the mint family and bears small, pale pink and white flowers.
Patchouli for Happy Relationships
Patchouli is sometimes seen as a mild aphrodisiac. It is an attractive oil with benefits for hair and skin. This is an oil of peace that helps to clear negative emotions and improve mood—both of which can smooth and enhance our relationships with others! Purchase Patchouli Essential Oil from Young Living under Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil (Sacral Chakra)
This essential oil is distilled from the flowers of the custard-apple tree. Ylang Ylang means “flower of flowers.” The flowers have been used to cover the beds of newlywed couples on their wedding night. Ylang Ylang can balance male-female energies and enhance spiritual attunement. Purchase Ylang Ylang Essential Oil from Young Living under Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.

Jasmine Essential Oil (Sacral Chakra)
Jasmine essential oil is more accurately characterized as an “essence” not an essential oil. Jasmine flowers are picked before sunrise because its fragrance evaporates in the sun. Jasmine nicknames include “queen of the night” and “moonlight of the grove.” Jasmine is also used as a popular girl’s name.
Seductive Nature of Jasmine Oil
Historically, women have been drawn to jasmine for its beautiful, seductive fragrance. Jasmine’s effects are uplifting, stimulating and can counteract hopelessness. Purchase Jasmine Essential Oil from Young Living under Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.
Solar Plexus Chakra Essential Oils
Imbalances in the solar plexus chakra can appear as indigestion, panic attacks, liver problems, chronic illness, and high blood pressure. There are key essential oils to help heal and balance the solar plexus chakra. These oils can be purchased from Young Living as a referral from Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo: Cinnamon Bark Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil and Chamomile Essential Oil.
Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmation
The corresponding belief for a balanced solar plexus chakra is “I stand in my power.” The solar plexus chakra can be assisted by applying 2-4 drops directly on the chakra point. Learn more about the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Cinnamon Essential Oil (Solar Plexus Chakra)
Cinnamon essential oil is centered around energy and abundance. Historically, used in a blend for protection against the 15th century plague. Cinnamon is a powerful anti-inflammatory and is thought to attract wealth. Cinnamon essential oil is steam distilled from the bark of the cinnamon tree. Purchase Cinnamon Bark Oil from Young Living referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.
Peppermint Essential Oil (Solar Plexus Chakra)
Peppermint essential oil is stimulating and purifying to the mind awakening the consciousness. Throughout history, peppermint has been used as a digestive stimulant. Peppermint essential oil is created by steam distilling the leaves and stems of the mint shrub. People would chew the leaves to help stomach pain. Peppermint was included in the formula used by thieves protecting themselves from the plague in the 15th century.
Peppermint Oil in Biblical Times
Researchers speculate that the mint used in biblical times was horse mint, which has been grown in the Holy land for thousands of years. David Stuart, in his book Healing Oils of the Body states, “Offerings of mint were often part of the tithe to the temple, where it was used as an air freshener to help cover the smell of blood and burning sacrifice.” Mint was also included in the Passover meal and eaten with the paschal lamb.
Using Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint is part of the hyssop family and can be irritating to some people’s skin. Dilute with a neutral oil such as almond oil and rub on the chest for supporting respiratory health. When inhaled, peppermint can be a decongestant and expectorant. Additional application areas on the body are the wrists, bottom of feet, shoulders, neck, or lower back. For a stimulating experience when feeling tired, place drops onto your palm and inhale directly.
Anointing with Essential Oils
Peppermint’s therapeutic properties are powerful! Peppermint is one of the oils included in the “Raindrop Technique,” this is a modern-day massage for healing and wellness with a strong connection to biblical anointment practices. To anoint, means to cover, rub, or smear on the head or body with oil. Anointing was a holy practice in biblical times to show deep reverence and thankfulness.
Frequency of Peppermint Oil
Essential oils can support the body by lifting the body’s frequencies. Peppermint essential oil (Mentha Piperita) vibrates at 78 MHz. This frequency neutralizes negative energy. Peppermint essential oil is available from Young Living as a single oil. It is also in a variety of different blends, including Deep Relief, which is wonderful for sore muscles.
Medicinal Uses of Peppermint Oil
Known for its antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial properties and has been found to block headache pain. Peppermint can increase mental accuracy and clarity. Peppermint is also well-known as a digestive aid. Purchase Peppermint Essential Oil from Young Living referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.

Chamomile Essential Oil (Solar Plexus Chakra)
One of the more familiar flowers used to produce oils is the chamomile flower. Chamomile can stabilize heightened emotions like anger and fear. This essential oil is distilled from the daisy flower. Chamomile essential oil can also help release emotions from past trauma and can soothe and clear the mind. In addition, chamomile essential oil can facilitate acceptance and surrender.
Chamomile as a Sacred Herb
Roman chamomile oil is taken from the flowers and leaves of plants found in England, Hungary, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and France. The aromatherapy oil created from chamomile flowers (Chamaemelum nobile) has a warm, sweet, herbaceous scent that is relaxing and calming for the mind and body. Roman chamomile was one of the Saxons’ nine sacred herbs.
Medicinal Uses of Chamomile
Roman chamomile is useful for restless children, especially at bedtime and is used for nerves, migraines, acne, inflammation and inflammatory diseases, insomnia, menstrual problems and dermatitis.
Chamomile Oil for the Skin
Because it is soothing to the skin, Roman chamomile oil is also used in all types of cosmetics and skin preparations. Roman chamomile is also beneficial when added to massage oil for the relief of muscular discomfort after exercise. Chamomile oil can be used in diluted form directly on the skin or in a diffuser to be dispersed in the air in a room or home. Oils can also be mixed to create blends for particular uses or conditions.
Learning More About Chamomile
Aromatherapy is used around the world and many classes and certification programs are available for those interested in pursuing aromatherapy as a professional career. Purchase Chamomile Essential Oil from Young Living referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.
Heart Chakra Essential Oils
An imbalance in the heart chakra may appear as chronic fatigue, upper back pain, heart related issues and anxiety/depression. Traumatic experiences may leave you feeling lost and confused. After a traumatic experience one can feel disconnected with everyone around them, but most importantly themselves. An affirmation for the heart chakra is “I am love and I am loved.”
Connecting with Your Heart
The following oils are used to connect with your heart and create a sense of grounding: Rose, Neroli and a multiple-oil blend known as Joy. Purchase these oils (referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo) from Young Living: Rose Essential Oil, Neroli Essential Oil and Joy Essential Oil Blend.

Rose Essential Oil (Heart Chakra)
Rose essential oil is balancing and calming. Traditionally, rose oil has been used for healthy skin and its oil was extracted by pressing the petals. The beautiful fragrance of rose oil helps bring balance and harmony. It also has an aphrodisiac like effect. This oil helps restore confidence and a sense of overall wellbeing.
Roses Used in Essential Oils
There are over 5,000 identified species of Roses. The Damascus rose originated from Bulgaria, Turkey and is very high in citronellol. The Damascus Rose has very different colors, aromas, and therapeutic actions than the Moroccan Rose. In biblical times, the word ‘rose’ was applied to many plants with colorful flowers. The only true reference to the thorny, flowering shrub of the rose is in the Old Testament Apocrypha (Esdras 2:19).
History of Roses
Rose has a rich history dating back thousands of years. The ancient Arabians and Egyptians distilled the oil from rose petals with steam as far back as 5000 B.C. Rose water was believed to be an aphrodisiac and beneficial for radiant skin. In some cultures, they view rose fragrance as the smell of God!
Frequency of Rose Essential Oil
Rose essential oil’s scent helps bring balance and harmony and can create a sense of well-being within. Rose (Rosa damascene) essential oil vibrates at 320 MHz. This is the highest electromagnetic frequency of any known substance. Rose’s high frequency neutralizes negative energy.
Producing Rose Essential Oil
It takes 3000-5000 pounds of organic rose petals to produce one pound of rose oil. This oil is very precious. Ture Damascus Rose essential oil is available from Young Living. It is available in the wonderful blend Joy, which can be used as a perfume, or a mood enhancer
The Power of Rose Oil
Some have been able to improve their mood ongoing by simply inhaling, diffusing, or applying rose essential oil on their bodies! Purchasing rose essential oil with the Joy™ blend is a more affordable option for those looking to experience this oil’s amazing affect. Rose essential oil is also in Awaken™, Humility™, and Trauma Life™ among many others.
Using Rose Essential Oil
If you have rose essential oil available to you or Joy™, anoint yourself by putting one drop on your palm. Rub your hands together until they are warm and then cup your hands over your mouth and nose and breathe deeply. Other uses include placing 2-4 drops on location, or on the heart chakra. Rose essential oil oil can be diffused as well. Purchase Rose Essential Oil from Young Living as referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.

Neroli Essential Oil (Heart Chakra)
This essential oil is extracted from the flowers of the orange tree. The ancient Egyptians used neroli for its ability to heal the mind, body and spirit. This oil is a natural relaxant and can be used in high-stress experiences to restore calm. It also stabilizes emotions and can bring a feeling of hopefulness and confidence. Great to use when you need uplifting. Purchase Neroli Essential Oil from Young Living referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.Joy Essential Oil Blend (Heart Chakra)
Joy essential oil blend is a wonderful way to get the benefits of rose essential oil with other fragrant oils at a reasonable cost. This is Kathleen’s personal favorite to wear as an uplifting perfume. Purchase Joy Essential Oil Blend from Young Living referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.
Throat Chakra Essential Oils
Imbalances in the throat chakra can appear as throat issues, neck stiffness, trouble breathing, and thyroid problems. A positive affirmation for the throat chakra is “I express myself and my truth.” The essential oils that correspond to the throat chakra include Eucalyptus, Myrrh and Geranium. Purchase Eucalyptus Essential Oil, Myrrh Essential Oil and Geranium Essential Oil from Young Living referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil (Throat Chakra)
Eucalyptus helps to reduce stress and mental exhaustion. Eucalyptus has traditionally been recommended for colds and sore throats. This is a soothing oil for the respiratory system. The scent of eucalyptus is uplifting.
Botany of Eucalyptus Plants
The myrtle (myrtacaeae) family holds over seven hundred species of eucalyptus shrubs, trees or bush originating from Australia and China. For centuries, Australian Aboriginals used the leaves from eucalyptus to disinfect and cover wounds. Present day lab tests have shown E. globulus, a key constituent in Eucalyptus essential oil, to be a powerful antimicrobial agent.
Uses of Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus essential oil has been used to treat surgical dressings, repel insects, and support the respiratory system for years. Eucalyptus trees in North Africa were planted to block the spread of malaria.
Creating a Home Spa with Eucalyptus
The fragrance of eucalyptus essential oil promotes health, wellbeing, purification, and healing. Create a spa experience at home by doing a steam bowl when you have a cold or are congested. Place hot water in a large glass bowl. Place 2-4 drops Young Living Eucalyptus essential oil in water. Cover head with large towel and lower head into the bowl, without touching the water. Breathe in deep for 30 seconds to absorb the steam. Repeat five times. Enjoy!
More Uses of Eucalyptus
Additional uses: Inhale directly by placing one drop on your palm and rub your hands together until they are warm and then cup your hands over your mouth and nose and breathe deeply. Other uses include placing 2-4 drops on location, or on the Charkas. Learn more about the chakras here. This oil can be diffused as well.
Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Other benefits of eucalyptus include clearing congestion and clarity for the mind. Young Living sells three types of Eucalyptus essential oil: Eucalyptus Globulus, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Eucalyptus Blue. These are therapeutic grade essential oils. Eucalyptus is in the powerful Young Living blend called Thieves™ and in the Thieves™ Chest Rub. Purchase Eucalyptus Essential Oil from Young Living referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.
Healing Oils of the Bible by Dr. David Stewart
Essential Oils Desk Reference by Life Science Publishing
Myrrh Essential Oil (Throat Chakra)
Myrrh is fantastic for the throat chakra and thyroid. Myrrh is actually a resin and not an herb. Myrrh is a thick, viscous essential oil that dries in a light film when applied to the throat. Myrrh can be applied to the feet, especially around the neck of the big toe. Reflexologists say that spot is connected to the thyroid. Purchase Myrrh Essential Oil from Young Living.

Geranium Essential Oil (Throat Chakra)
Geranium essential oil serves to increase spiritual protection. Geranium is also a calming oil for the mind and meditation. The oil of geranium has been used to treat anxiety, depression and neurological conditions. Geranium essential oil is thought to relax physical tension in the throat and elsewhere in the body.
Importance of the Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is particularly connected to making sounds through singing, chanting, talking, shouting and speaking. In fact, there are particular sounds that are associated with each chakra. The sound of the throat chakra is HAM (pronounced “hum”).
Sounds for the Chakras
There are also vowels for each chakra. See article on Chakra Sounds including mantras and seed syllables for each chakra. More information about the Throat Chakra. Purchase Geranium Essential Oil from Young Living referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.
Third Eye Chakra Essential Oils
An imbalance in the third eye chakra may appear as ear and eye issues, learning disabilities, inability to make decisions, and feeling stuck. A mantra for the third eye chakra is “I trust my intuition.”
Oils for the Third Eye
Essential oils that are helpful for the third eye include Helichrysum, Lavender and Cedarwood. Purchase Helichrysum Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oil and Cedarwood Essential Oil from Young Living referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.
Helichrysum Essential Oil (Third Eye)
Helichrysum essential oil is steam distilled from the daisy flower. Known as the “Everlasting” or “The Immortal Flower” the oil has been used in skincare anti-aging products for years. The floral scent is uplifting to the subconscious mind. Can have a grounding and calming effect. Purchase Helichrysum Essential Oil from Young Living referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.

Lavender Essential Oil (Third Eye)
Possibly one of most used essential oils for its calming effect. This essential oil is steam distilled from the flowering top of the lavender bush. Rene Gattefosse, A French scientist, discovered that lavender promoted tissue regeneration and speed wound healing.
Healing Properties of Lavender Oil
Today lavender is known for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antitumoral abilities. This oil supports relaxation in the body and especially the mind. Perfect to use for a racing, anxious mind. Learn more about lavender on the Essential Drops of Joy website in the article Lavender: The Universal Healer. Purchase Lavender Essential Oil from Young Living.
Cedarwood Essential Oil (Third Eye)
Cedarwood essential oil is steam distilled from the bark of the cedar pine tree. Traditionally, cedarwood was used in medicines and the ancient Egyptians used it for embalming the dead. Researchers discovered that cedarwood “stimulates the limbic region of the brain (the center of emotions) stimulates the pineal which releases melatonin” (Essential Oils Desk Reference).
Benefits of Cedarwood Oil
Cedarwood is known for its calming and purifying properties and can help support deeper sleep. Some believe that placing a drop of cedarwood in the center of your forehead can help to heal and stimulate the third eye. Others suggest rubbing a drop on the roof of your mouth for the same purpose. Learn more about the Third Eye Chakra. Purchase Cedarwood Essential Oil from Young Living.
Crown Chakra Essential Oils
Imbalances in the crown chakra can appear as dizziness, vision issues, memory problems, and nervous system problems. This chakra is the spiritual center of the body. An affirmation for the crown chakra is “I am connected to a divine understanding.” Essential oils helpful for the crown chakra include Frankincense, Spikenard and Sandalwood. Purchase Frankincense Essential Oil and Sandalwood Essential Oil from Young Living referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.

Frankincense Essential Oil (Crown Chakra)
This essential oil is steam distilled form the gum/resin of the Frankincense tree. Frankincense has a rich history. Named “holy anointing oil” in the Middle East it has been used in religious ceremonies for years. Its healing properties include antidepressant, antitumoral, and immune system stimulant. Also, can help support the brain after brain injuries like concussion.
Spiritual Power of Frankincense
This oil supports spiritual awareness and is wonderful to use during meditation. It also has an uplifting effect on mood and mind. Purchase Frankincense Essential Oil from Young Living referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.
Spikenard Essential Oil (Crown Chakra)
This essential oil is steam distilled from the roots of the Valerianaceae, a beautiful flowering plant. In ancient times it was only used by priest and kings because it was seen as precious. Spikenard was used to anoint Jesus’ feet in the Bible. This oil can improve circulation and may help strengthen the heart. The effect of this oil is soothing and can soothe nervous tension, which makes it great for meditation to quiet the mind.

Sandalwood Essential Oil (Crown Chakra)
This essential oil is steam distilled from the wood of the Sandalwood tree. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for skin revitalization, yoga, and meditation. Traditionally used for the skin and healing scars, this oil can also enhance deep sleep and ground the body. Its strong, uplifting aroma creates a sense of stability. Learn more about the Crown Chakra. Purchase Sandalwood Essential Oil from Young Living referred by Kathleen Karlsen and Kasondra Grillo.
How to Use Essential Oils
My favorite way to use essential oils is to diffuse them in my office and kitchen. These are the places where I spend the most time! In addition, I have created my own skincare blend mixed with coconut oil that includes rosemary, a wonderful root chakra essential oil that is also a primary essential oil for healthy skin. I also use essential oils liberally every day as a natural perfume.
Improving Indoor Air Quality
The mounting public awareness of the health issues involved in our indoor lifestyles is evident in a number of emerging trends: the emphasis on improving indoor air quality in both public and private buildings, the movement towards “natural homes” and non-toxic building materials and the growing interest in alternative approaches to enhancing interior environments including feng shui, biogeometry and aromatherapy.
Indoor Living Lifestyles
Americans are estimated to spend an average of 80-90% of their time indoors, whether they are at home, at work or at school. In colder climates, the time spent indoors is even higher. Unfortunately, the concentration of individual air pollutants that lower indoor air quality typical buildings can easily be 100 times higher than the level of contaminants in outdoor air. Essential oils are a practical and cost-effective solution to offset many of the detrimental effects of poor indoor air quality.

Psychological Benefits of Essential Oils
The delightful fragrances of aromatherapy are beneficial for the mind and spirit, too. Psychologists report that aromas penetrate deeply into our unconscious and emotional worlds because we react instinctively rather than intellectually to the vast array of scents in our environment. Knowing this, we can enhance our moods and physical health by improving indoor air quality with oils that are wisely chosen and properly diffused.
Create a Safer Environment
On the physical level, essential oils help combat biological contaminants by binding to the airborne molecules of fat that typically carry unpleasant odors. Citrus oils are great air fresheners in offices, schools and public places and very few people object to the smell. Synthetic air fresheners, on the other hand, only mask the undesirable odors.
Cleaning the Air with Essential Oils
Essential oils also have well-documented antiviral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties to further improve indoor air quality. Some powerful and relatively inexpensive “bacteria busters” are cinnamon, clove, lemon, eucalyptus, lavender and pine oils.

Choosing Essential Oils for Your Home
You can also pick your oils in relation to the time of year. In spring and summer, light, refreshing essential oils are the most appropriate for optimal indoor air quality. These include geranium, lavender, pettigraine, lime/lemon and sandalwood. Oils appropriate for autumn and winter would be warming scents such as cypress, benzoin, nutmeg and frankincense.
Essential Oils for Every Area of Your Home
Different areas of your home can also benefit from specific scents. Relaxing oils like clary sage, bergamot, rose and jasmine work well in the living room. To rouse yourself from winter lethargy, improve the indoor air quality with stimulating oils like mints and forest blends!
For bathrooms and kitchens, the “bacteria busters” mentioned above along with lemon grass and citronella are excellent. In bedrooms, sleep enhancing oils like valerian, chamomile, cinnamon, hops and lavender are good choices.
Air Quality: Diffusers, Candles & More
Essential oils can be diffused through a wide assortment of clay, glass and metal diffusers commonly sold through essential oil and herb companies. There are lots of styles and options on the market for essential oils diffusers. Some easy homemade approaches work just as well, like putting several drops of oil into a pan of boiling water.
Essential Oil Spray Bottle
You can also add a few drops of oil to a cup of warm water in a standard spray bottle. Or add some drops to your humidifier (check manufacturer’s recommendations). Note: be careful not to spray the mist on wooden furniture to avoid discoloration.
Essential Oil Candles and More
If you prefer the methods your grandma may have used, look for perfumed pillows and sachets, potpourris, scented soaps and scented candles. However, make sure you are getting the real thing. For purity and health, the best options are beeswax or soy candles with natural fiber wicks.
Caution with Essential Oil Candles
Lower quality candles, for example, can emit pollutants such as acetone, benzene and soot, which actually decrease the level of indoor air quality. Some imported candles even have wick cores made of lead. Make sure to get good quality essential oils and related products to experience the full physical and psychological benefits of aromatherapy.
The Power of the Sense of Smell
Smells can evoke memories and past experiences in the same way that hearing a familiar piece of music can bring back a time, place or experience. Depending on whether those memories are positive or negative, you may choose to enjoy or avoid particular smells.
Essential Oils as Healing Agents
Essential oils may assist in healing karma in the sense that increased calm and centering can help in the areas of forgiveness and resolution of conflicts. Flowers have been used as healing agents for thousands of years. Essential oils are the most concentrated form of the active ingredients present in flowers.
Essential Oils from Flowers
The comforting and uplifting aspects of flowers are all captured in the precious oils that are distilled from the buds, blooms and flower tops of various plants. Other essential oils are made from bark or the branches and roots of trees. Explore the essential oils below for each of the seven major chakras!
Essential Oils and Color Therapy
Color therapy combines well with the use of essential oils. Each oil can be categorized by color and used on the body or in a diffuser. Examples are given below:
Red: black pepper, cedarwood, jasmine, sage, myrrh, rose, thyme
Orange: caraway, ginger, carrot seed, begamot, pine, neroli, orange, patchouli, sandalwood
Yellow: birch, cardamom, ylang ylang, lemon, lemongrass, grapefruit, coriander, cumin
Green: eucalyptus, lime, peppermint, myrtle, oregano, parsley, melissa
Blue: chamomile, rosemary, hyssop
Indigo: clove, melaleuca, yarrow, cinnamon, by laurel
Violet: juniper, lavender, frankincense, basil, clary sage
Essential Oils for Emotional Health
Good emotional health is becoming more and more essential as everyday life speeds up, stress increases, the economy waxes and wanes and financial security is in question. Depression and anxiety now affect approximately 60 million Americans.
Essential Oils for Stress Relief
The positive effects of essential oils on stress, mental fatigue and insomnia, as well as depression and anxiety are well known. Because of the concentrated and complex chemical nature of essential oils, they are not only safe to use, but also they send quick messages to the brain and central nervous system. As a refreshing alternative to man-made chemicals and drugs, these aromatic essences revitalize the body and mind, with the result that the spirit is also uplifted.
Essential Oils for Relieving Anxiety
Some oils are particularly appropriate for both depression and anxiety such as lavender, which is relaxing and calming; frankincense, which is balancing and has been called a natural antidepressant; and ylang ylang, which is known for it sedative properties. Other oils for depression include bergamot, lemon, clary sage, jasmine, neroli, melissa and rose. Oils for anxiety are generally more uplifting and include sweet orange, lemon, grapefruit, chamomile, Dalmatian sage, peppermint and rosemary.
Ways to Use Essential Oils
Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways. They can be inhaled by putting a few drops on a handkerchief and holding it to the nose. It is well known that the olfactory nerve has a direct route to the brain and therefore quick relief is offered. Oils can also be inhaled by diffusing them throughout the air in your immediate environment, whether it is in the office or the bedroom.
Diffusing and Massage with Oils
Diffusing oils in the bedroom is especially effective for a good night’s sleep. Essential oils can also be applied topically, behind the ears like a cologne or on the bottoms of the feet. In the case of emotional problems, using essential oils as part of a massage combines the inherent properties of the oils with the soothing and calming effects of having your muscles relaxed and your body refreshed.
Oil Blends for Emotional Healing
Young Living has developed two formulas that have established a reputation of positive results for emotional health issues. Their Joy™ formula contains lemon, bergamot, ylang ylang, rose, rosewood and geranium. This formula is both uplifting and calming, and helps to reduce depressive emotional feelings. The formula called Peace and Calming™ is a combination of tangerine, ylang ylang, patchouli and blue tansy, and is useful for both anxiety and insomnia.
Supportive Essential Oils
Although more severe forms of depression and anxiety may require other forms of therapeutic assistance, such as counseling and medical antidepressants, the use of essential oils can help to maintain a vibrant and inspired perspective on life’s ups and downs and emotional challenges.
How Are Essential Oils Created?
The ancient art of aromatherapy is connected to both the perfume industry and the natural health industry. Essential oils can be extracted in three basic ways: steam distillation, cold-pressing, and solvent-extraction.
Oil Extraction Methods
Steam distillation is the most traditional and widely used method of oil extraction. The distillation process begins by using boilers to heat purified water and produce steam. This steam is then passed into a stainless-steel chamber containing the plant material. As the plant is heated it releases the aromatherapy oils into the air which mix with the steam and is carried upwards into a system of pipes called the condenser.
Separating Oils in Distillation
The steam is then cooled using cold water and condenses into a mixture of water and essential oils. Next this mixture is transferred into a separation device in which the oil floats to the top of the water and is collected.
Cold-Pressed Oil Method
Cold-pressed, or expressed, oils are created by mechanically pressing the oils from the rinds of fruit. Only organic fruits should be used in this process of oil extraction because the pesticides used on non-organic fruit will be concentrated in the oils. Although they are not technically essential oils, expressed oils are still deemed highly therapeutic and are generally less expensive than steam and solvent distilled oils.
Processing Flowers for Oil
Flowers containing a small, volatile amount of oil that is not easily extracted using steam distillation are processed by distilling the plant with a hydrocarbon solvent. After this distillation a substance remains which is a mixture of essential oil, wax, resin, and plant material. This concrete is then distilled again using grain alcohol to extract the pure essential oil.
Healthy Skin and a Happy Face
One of Kathleen’s lifelong challenges has been dry skin. A few years ago she began a program of essential oils blended in a base of coconut and jojoba oils. She started using this on her skin morning and night. She also added more oils to her diet: avocados, nuts, and fats.
She has studied several systems of face exercises to get more circulation to her skin and reverse sagging and wrinkles. She is also a student of body language and oriental face diagnoses, finding correspondences between emotional patterns and facial features.

Kathleen’s DIY skin care uses pure essential oils. Kathleen is a Young Living Essential Oils brand partner. To become a customer, use this form or order using her referral number #1043288 or Contact Kathleen for more information.

Learn more about the benefits of essential oil diffusion on the Essential Drops of Joy website. Buy essential oils at discounted rates (24% off) with Kathleen Karlsen as your mentor (Brand Partner #1043288) at Young Living Essential Oils. Or learn more about essential oils and the seven major chakras on this website at Chakras and Essential Oils.
More Chakra Resources
Chakras and Musical Notes: Chakras and musical notes have been paired in a number of ways. Learn about both Western and Eastern systems.
Chakra Names: Chakra names reveal the roles of the chakras in the body on psychological, spiritual and emotional levels. Includes explanations of English and Sanskrit chakra names.
Chakra Flowers: Chakra flowers offer unique symbolic meaning for each of the seven major chakras. Flowers are among the oldest spiritual symbols, revealing the meaning of each chakra.
Purchasing Young Living Essential Oils
The Young Living Essential Oils company focuses on creating pure products from plants grown around the world. Find everything you need for natural living and a healthy lifestyle including oils, blends, household cleaners, diffusers and more on the Young Living Website. Use Kathleen’s member #1043288 to connect with her as your sponsor and enroller. Order $100 of product to get a 24% discount on all orders for an entire year.
Author Kathleen Karlsen
Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.