Solar Plexus Chakra Meaning

Solar Plexus Chakra Meaning Infographic

Solar Plexus Chakra Meaning

The solar plexus chakra is located at the naval, center of intuition (a gut feeling). This chakra is connected to both service and desires. This is the chakra where we get a gut feeling about people, places and events. This chakra is the seat of the self and the center of transformation, emotions and abundance. The third chakra or solar plexus chakra is known as Manipura. The name translates as the “city of jewels.” “Mani” means “gem” while “pura” means “city.” When purified, this is the chakra of inner peace.

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Role of the Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus is connected to the individuation process and the ability to take on responsibility. This chakra can be a place of personal authority and emotional strength. If misused, the solar plexus becomes the seat of addictions. This article includes solar plexus chakra meaning, solar plexus sounds, the chakra symbol, essential oils, healing stones and more.

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Solar Plexus Chakra Symbol

The solar plexus chakra is represented as a ten-petaled lotus. The lotus petals symbolize the unfolding of spirituality or divinity. The lotus is also connected to the energy of creation. Each petal corresponds to Sanskrit letters: dam, dham, nam, tam, tham, dam, dham, nam, pam, and pham. These petals represent the overcoming of ten negative characteristics: ignorance, thirst, jealousy, treachery, shame, fear, disgust, delusion, foolishness and sadness.

Circle Meaning & the Solar Plexus
Moving from the outer petals towards the center of the sacral chakra symbol, the circles symbolize the cycles of life, death, nature and the universe. As the most basic of all forms, the circle encloses physical matter. The circle symbolizes infinite space (the element akasha) and expansiveness. The circle also represents the cycles of nature at all levels from the atom to astronomy. The central quest of spirituality is to experience the Oneness of these realms.

Triangle Meaning & the Solar Plexus
Moving further towards the center of the sacral chakra symbol, the downward triangle represents water, a feminine element. An upward triangle represents the masculine energy and the element of fire. The triangle is the primary form that can enclose space within straight lines. Symbolically, this is the first form to emerge from chaos.

Crescent Moon Symbolism
Just above the triangle is a single stroke with a dot. This represents the moon and the emotions, another source of feminine energy. The center symbol is the Sanskrit character for the seed syllable RAM, the central sound for the solar plexus chakra. More on this topic can be found below in the section on Solar Plexus Chakra Sounds. Learn more about the symbols for all seven chakras in the article Chakra Symbols.

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Solar Plexus Chakra Sounds

In the Vedic tradition, there is an energetic body surrounding each of us that is composed of sound. This is known as the mantra parusha. The syllable RAM (pronounced RAHN or RUM) is the central sound for the solar plexus chakra. This sound strengthens all of the related abdominal organs.

Mantra for the Solar Plexus
An example of a Vedic mantra for the solar plexus chakra is “Om Ram Namaha Ram.” Other mantras using the name “Ram” are beneficial for the solar plexus chakra. An example of this is the chant “Sita Ram” found on the Vocal Medicine Album Tracks page. This is a reference to the Hindu deity Ram and his consort Site.

Musical Scales and the Solar Plexus
Other sounds related to the solar plexus chakra include “GA” and OH.” GA is part of the Eastern sargam system, which is similar to the Western system naming notes of the musical scale as DO-RE-MI-FA-SO-LA-TI-DO. Sargam actually preceded the Western system which was developed to help monks learn complex daily chants.

Vowel Sounds and the Solar Plexus
Another system is to use vowels for each chakra. Vowels can be held or extended for a kind of internal sound bath. Vowels are unformed energy when compared with the short sounds made when consonants are spoken or sung. Learn more about Chakra Sounds.

Click for more about Essential Oils and the Chakras.

Essential Oils for the Solar Plexus Chakra

Imbalances in the solar plexus chakra can appear as indigestion, panic attacks, liver problems, chronic illness, and high blood pressure. There are essential oils to help heal and balance the solar plexus chakra. The corresponding belief for a balanced solar plexus chakra is “I stand in my power.”

Using Essential Oils
Essential oils can be used directly on the skin (sometimes diluted in a carrier oil such as almond, grapefruit seed or jojoba oil) or diffused into the air. Buy essential oils with Kathleen Karlsen as your mentor (Brand Partner #1043288) at Young Living Essential Oils. Or learn more on this website about Chakras and Essential Oils.

Cinnamon Oil and the Solar Plexus
Three useful essential oils for the solar plexus chakra are cinnamon, peppermint and chamomile. Cinnamon essential oil is centered around energy and abundance. Historically, cinnamon was used in a blend for protection against the 15th century plague.

Peppermint Oil and the Solar Plexus
Peppermint essential oil is stimulating and purifying to the mind. Peppermint can increase mental accuracy and clarity. Peppermint is also well-known as a digestive aid. Peppermint is also known to be effective for headaches.

Chamomile Essential Oil and the Solar Plexus
Chamomile essential oil can stabilize heightened emotions like anger and fear. This essential oil is distilled from the daisy flower. Learn more about the symbolic significance of daisies and their history in the article Daisy Meaning.

Click for more about Chakra Healing Stones.

Healing Stones for the Solar Plexus Chakra

There are many stones and crystals recommended for each chakra. Among the most prominent stones believed to positively influence the solar plexus chakra are malachite, calcite, and topaz. Learn about healing stones and crystals for all of the chakras at Chakra Stones and Meanings.

Malachite and the Solar Plexus
Malachite stones are a rich dark green color that hold power to transform and heal. This stone amplifies feelings by bringing emotions to the surface that need to be processed. Once the feelings are processed, one can heal and grow and transform. Malachite can also strengthen boundaries and provide protection. Historically, malachite was worn as an amulet or talisman to protect spiritually against the “Evil Eye.”

Calcite and the Solar Plexus
Calcite can serve many wonderful purposes from cleansing negative energy from the environment to deepening intellect. Calcite is the main ingredient in limestone and marble. Calcite assists in increasing learning and awareness and in renewing commitments to positive change.

Topaz and the Solar Plexus
Topaz recharges and re-centers those who wear it. Thought to provide strength by the Ancient Greeks it was used in the breastplates of the Hebrew high priest. Topaz can promote truth and forgiveness as well as relaxing the mind and body.

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Deities for the Solar Plexus

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the deities Ruhdra, his consort Lakini, and the goddess Lakshmi. Rudra is a form of Shiva, usually depicted with a scarlet hue and three eyes. Lakini is a benefactor goddess and the consort of Rudra. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity. Learn about the deities associated with all of the chakras in Chakra Gods and Goddesses.

Rudra and the Solar Plexus
Rudra is represented as an old man with a powerful bull as his vehicle. This is a form of Shiva that annihilates desire and wrong action. Rudra helps to dissolve worldly desires. He is covered with ashes, representing the final stage of matter when incinerated. This makes Rudra a symbol of immortality, dispelling all fear.

Lakini and the Solar Plexus
Lakini is depicted as a goddess having four arms. Three of her hands hold symbolic items (a thunderbolt, an arrow, and fire). The thunderbolt symbolizes the nature of reality as endlessly creative and potent. The arrow represents power and status. Fire represents both the giving and taking of life. Lakini’s fourth hand is held in the gesture or mudra of granting wishes and dispelling fears. 

Lakshmi and the Solar Plexus
Lakshmi’s name is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning “goal, aim or sign.” In Hindu iconography, Lakshmi is usually shown seated or standing on a lotus flower. The lotus symbolizes creation, beauty, harmony, diversity, stability, and support. The goddess Lakshmi is associated with gold coins as well as rice and basil. Lola is another name for Lakshmi meaning one who is moving or flowing. 

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Physical Organs and the Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra governs the power of transformation. In the physical realm, this includes digestion, pancreatic function, the liver, the large intestines, the stomach and the adrenals. The solar plexus chakra is the center of digestion of food on the physical level as well as the digestion of thoughts and emotions on the mental and emotional levels.

Solar Plexus Chakra as Intuition
The solar plexus is the fire center, often symbolized by the colors yellow or red and a sun-like image. The solar plexus is the center of gut-level intuition. I learned the importance of listening to my gut at a point in my life when I was collaborating with someone on a large creative project.

Solar Plexus and Gut Feelings
My partner in the project appeared to have a commitment as deep as mine. I was excited and joyful about the project. Yet I simultaneously had a growing sense of anxiety at the core of my being. My heart and gut were clearly in conflict. I found the experience to be confusing and distressing.

Trusting the Solar Plexus
Sure enough, my associate suddenly and inexplicably changed directions. Communication stopped. My attempts to reach out were rebuffed. I had never experienced such a deep division within my own being: heart-felt enthusiasm combined with deep gut-level concern and warning. I was determined that the next time I would listen to my gut!

Concept of the Three Brains
My experience is in keeping with the concept of the three brains which I first heard discussed in a podcast several years ago. Russell Brand interviewed Ed Stafford, a survivalist, adventurer and author of Walking the Amazon. Stafford attributes the concept of the three brains to a discussion he had with one of the native people that befriended him during his travels.

Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times
According to indigenous wisdom, the first brain is the thinking brain. In the western world, we have historically given prominence to the thinking brain. The second brain is the heart. As a society, we have tried to shift to heart-centered living in more recent times. We tell our children to “follow their hearts.” Preschoolers sing songs with words like “my heart tells me what to do.” This seems to be a step in a more holistic direction.

Spiritual Meaning of the Body

Understanding the Third Brain
The third brain is the gut. I have now come to view the messages from my gut as communications from my soul. The soul seems to have a way of getting a bearing on what is unforeseen, or perhaps notices the red flags that we choose to ignore.

Learning to Prioritize Inner Messages
Today I have a cascading hierarchy for decision-making: If the brain and heart are in conflict, follow the heart. If the heart and soul are in conflict, follow the soul. This has been my take-away from my own experiences supported by indigenous wisdom.

Chakra Flowers

Solar Plexus Chakra Flowers

Flowers that resemble the sun are clear winners as solar plexus chakra flowers. Flowers that are golden or yellow are often associated with the sun. The color of the solar plexus is usually depicted as yellow. In a purified state, the color of the solar plexus chakra is said to be purple and gold. As discussed above, the solar plexus is symbolized as a ten-petaled lotus that resembles a sun.  Learn more in Chakra Flowers.

Sunflowers and the Solar Plexus
Sunflowers are sacred flowers for some Native American tribes. These tribes include the sunflower in ceremonies and rituals such as the Sun Dance.  Sunflowers have historically been sacred to other groups as well. Sunflowers belong to the genus helianthus. This is a reference to Helios, the Greek sun god. Modern sunflower meaning is adoration. This is because sunflowers turn their heads to the sun.

Dandelions and the Solar Plexus
Dandelions also symbolize the sun, the most ancient and universal of all symbols. The name dandelion literally means “tooth of the lion.” This is a reference to Leo, the constellation most associated with the sun. Modern dandelion flower meanings are numerous. They mean “love me” and “affection returned.” Additionally, dandelion flowers mean desire, faithful and happiness.  Beautiful, bright dandelions are a perfect chakra flowers for the positive feelings desired in the solar plexus. 

Daisies and the Solar Plexus
Daises are the sacred flower of Freya, the most renowned of the Norse goddesses. Freya is the goddess of death, battle, love and fertility. Daisy flowers mean purity, innocence, loyal love and faith. In addition, daisies mean beauty, patience and simplicity. Daisies bloom in many colors but the classic daisy most closely associated with chakra flowers is white with a bright yellow center, a wonderful symbol of the sun! Amazingly, this flower is more than 4,000 years old. 

Solar Plexus Healing Affirmations

Affirmations for the solar plexus chakra help to create healthy digestion and positive feelings about life. Use the affirmations that fit your situation for at least a few minutes a day until you are satisfied with the results. The following affirmations can be said aloud, sung or read daily to reinforce positive thoughts. 


  • I release through divine healing intelligence all feelings and thoughts of old painful experiences, struggle, and rejection as well as all points of view, patterns and the positive and negative charges that have contributed to all digestive conditions.
  • I now invite healing, loving and empowering energy into my life. I am grateful.


  • The divine law of justice is now working perfectly through me toward all people, and through all people toward me. I do not judge the guilt or innocence of others.
  • I go free to new life, health, strength, and to peace of mind. All things happen justly.
  • All things are working together for my good.
  • I am working with life in a spirit of love and justice.
  • I do not believe I have been or will be unjustly treated.
  • I release all judgment to the divine law of justice.
  • I am at peace with God and man.


  • All that is mine comes to me through divine law.
  • I trust in divine justice and grant forgiveness and mercy to others.
  • I forgive all apparent injustice.
  • God’s goodness within me and around me is now released.
  • I fulfill my perfect destiny.
  • I release all hatred and unforgiveness.
  • I fully and freely forgive.
  • I loose the past and let it go.
  • I do not condemn others.
  • I am made whole. They are made whole. We are made whole.


  • All things work together for good.
  • I relax and let go, knowing that divine judgment is exercised in all situations.
  • I allow the Source of Life to carry the responsibility for my children, my business, and my life.
  • I am at peace with all people and all situations now.
  • I do not resist, condemn or antagonize anything or anybody.
  • My stomach is wise, strong and energetic.
  • I am guided by divine wisdom in eating and drinking.
  • I no longer condemn myself or others.
  • I do not condemn my health. Only the good is true.
  • All bitterness and belief in injustice now pass from my mind and body.
  • Divine justice, divine adjustment now appear.
  • I am not misjudged, nor do I misjudge others.
  • I do not criticize or condemn.
  • I hold no bitter, revengeful thoughts towards others.

More Chakra Resources

More Chakra Resources

Chakras and Musical Notes: Chakras and musical notes have been paired in a number of ways. Learn about both Western and Eastern systems.

Chakra Names: Chakra names reveal the roles of the chakras in the body and on psychological, spiritual and emotional levels. Includes explanations of English and Sanskrit chakra names.

Chakra Flowers: Chakra flowers offer unique symbolic meaning for each of the seven major chakras. Flowers are among the oldest spiritual symbols, revealing the meaning of each chakra. 

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Author Kathleen Karlsen

Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.


The solar plexus chakra is the seat of gut feelings and intuition. The physical organs related to the solar plexus chakra are organs of the digestive system. This article includes explanations of the solar plexus chakra symbol, healing stones, essential oils and Hindu deities that are associated with solar plexus chakra meaning.

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