In-Person & Online

In-Person & Online Events

Mantras and Tibetan Bowls Event

Coming up for anyone local (Bozeman, MT): a special evening of Mantras & Tibetan Bowls with Brian Sparks and Kathleen Karlsen at the Bozeman Dharma Center (3810 Valley Commons, Suite #6) at 7pm on Friday, July 26th. All are welcome. Donation based.

Divine Mother Mantras

Mantras on Mondays in Bozeman: An hour of mantras to the Divine Mother dedicated to the protection of children worldwide. All are welcome. No charge. Donations gratefully accepted. Held at 5123 Cimmeron Drive, Bozeman, MT. Led by Kathleen Karlsen and Andrew Karlsen.

Online Publishing Schedule

Look for new videos each week on Kathleen’s YouTube channel! Experience the healing power of mantras and music. Includes research and related topics. Delve into the impact of sound on the brain, body and chakras. Discover connections between sound and sacred geometry and explore the creation of altered states of consciousness through sound. Subscribe on YouTube today!

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What to Expect at In-Person Events

Join us to experience mantras as powerful tools for self-transformation. No prior experience required. Lyrics and instruction provided as needed. Mantra and kirtan events consist of one to two hours of mantras, often focused on a particular topic such as healing or peace. You do not have to be a singer or musician to participate. In fact, you are welcome to meditate silently if you like. All are welcome! 

Kirtan events feature devotional singing in a group, sometimes in a call and response format. Although singing is part of every spiritual tradition, this particular form originated in India. Kirtan is now gaining popularity in the Western world. The word “kirtan” (pronounced KEER-tun or KEER-tahn) comes from Sanskrit. Kirtan specifically refers to devotional singing in mantras, chants and bhajans. Learn more about kirtan in Everything About Kirtan.

Workshops are an opportunity for a deeper dive into a topic such as the building blocks of mantras, stories from the Vedas, or the connection between sacred geometry and sound. The smaller group format is a great chance to ask questions and explore various aspects of healing through music. Contact Kathleen Karlsen with questions or for more information.

Kirtan and Mantra Events

Mantra Workshops

Mantra workshops are an opportunity to take a deeper dive into the power of mantras. Workshops also include the role of sacred art, color and related modalities for healing on all levels. Workshops are a chance to ask questions and have the intimacy of discussions in a small group format. Workshops are generally 90 minutes to three hours depending on the topic. Learn more about kirtan in Everything About Kirtan


"Kathleen, I so enjoyed your professional and very interesting presentation. It is quite amazing what you do. Thanks for the handouts."

I am so happy to be with you again. Please let me know when you are in Boise again.

Lovely chants tonight. Beautiful melodies and thoughts. Thank you!

“Thank you so much! Wonderful to see people from all walks of life, all ages and spiritual backgrounds coming together in devotion. This is just awesome!”

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