
In-Person Events

Monday Night Mantras

Monday Night Mantras: An hour of mantras in a small group setting. All are welcome. No charge. Donations gratefully accepted. Join us at 5123 Cimmeron Drive, Bozeman, MT.

Healing Mantras

Wednesday Night Mantras: An hour of healing mantras at 6:30pm led by Kathleen Karlsen at 5123 Cimmeron Drive, Bozeman. All are welcome. No prior experience required. Lyrics provided. $15 suggested donation.

Evening of Sound Healing

Brian Sparks joins Kathleen the first Wednesday of every month to offer Tibetan bowls in conjunction with healing mantras and as a mini-sound bath.

What to Expect at Events

Join us to experience mantras as powerful tools for self-transformation! No prior experience required. Lyrics and instruction provided as needed. Mantra and kirtan events consist of one to two hours of mantras. You do not have to be a singer or musician to participate. In fact, you are welcome to meditate silently if you like. 

What is Kirtan?
Kirtan is a form of devotional singing in a group, sometimes in a call and response format. Although singing is part of every spiritual tradition, this particular form originated in India.

Devotional Singing
Kirtan is now gaining popularity in the Western world. The word “kirtan” (pronounced KEER-tun or KEER-tahn) comes from Sanskrit. Kirtan specifically refers to devotional singing in mantras, chants and bhajans. Learn more about kirtan in the article Everything About Kirtan.

The smaller group format is a great chance to ask questions and explore various aspects of healing through music. Contact Kathleen Karlsen with questions or for more information.

Mantras & Subtle Energy Channels

Workshops & Retreats

Come to experience a combination of research, stories, and music. Class days and times vary. Contact Kathleen Karlsen at 406-599-3235 or to be added to emails and text notifications.

Mantra workshops and retreats are an opportunity to take a deeper dive into the power of mantras such as the building blocks of mantras, stories from the Vedas, or the connection between sacred geometry and sound. Workshops may also include the role of sacred art, color healing, and related modalities.

Workshops are a chance to ask questions and have the intimacy of discussions in a small group format. Workshops are generally 90 minutes to three hours depending on the topic.  

Learn more about Mantras in Montana.

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