Throat Chakra Meaning
The fifth chakra is the throat chakra or the Vishuddha chakra. In Sanskrit, Vishuddha means “especially pure.” The throat chakra is depicted as having sixteen petals. In the center is a triangle pointing downward and a white circle representing akashi or ether.
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Role of the Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is connected to creativity and self-expression as well as the actions of speaking, chanting and singing. This chakra is associated with the neck, thyroid, esophagus, teeth, mouth and the ears. The throat and thyroid are where emotions, intentions, praise and criticism are expressed.
Click to learn more about Chakra Symbols.
Throat Chakra Symbol
Like many of the symbols for the other chakras, the throat chakra symbol begins with an outer ring of lotus petals. For the throat chakra, this ring contains sixteen petals. The sixteen petals represent the major components of being and experiencing. These are the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether); the ten ways of sensing, experiencing and perceiving (ears, skin, eyes, tongue, nose, mouth, feet, hands, arms, genitals) and the mind.
Crescent Moon in the Throat Chakra Symbol
The stroke and dot at the top of the inner circle represents the moon and feminine energy. The downward pointing triangle also represents the flow of water and the Mother energy. The central circle represents physical manifestation as a whole, which comes into being through sound, speech and vocalization.
Sanskrit Character for the Seed Syllable
The Sanskrit character in the center is HAM, the seed syllable for the throat chakra. This syllable can be used to create a basic mantra: “Om Ham Namaha” meaning “I bow before the energy of the throat chakra.” This mantra serves to intensify and strengthen the throat chakra.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Learn more about Sanskrit symbols in the article Yantra Meaning.
Throat Chakra Sounds
There are syllables in Sanskrit that correlate to each of the chakras. These sounds are said to balance and clear the associated chakra. The seed syllable for the throat is HAM (pronounced HUM). There are also vowels sounds, notes of the musical scale, musical instruments and syllables for sacred toning associated with each chakra.
Throat Chakra Mantra
The Vedic mantra for this chakra is “Om Ham Namaha.” This sound honors and strengthens the energy of positive personal power and finding your own voice. Hear a mantra for the throat chakra and learn more at Chakra Sounds.
Throat Chakra Vowel Sound
The vowel sound for the throat is a long “i” sound (eye). The note of the musical scale is the 5th note. In the Western system, this is the sound “SO.” In the Eastern sargam system, this is the sound “PA.” Find the sounds for all of the chakras in the article Chakra Sounds.
Throat Chakra Instruments
The musical instruments associated with the throat are the horns. Horns are often used to announce messages (time to get up; the band is coming; the hunt has begun). Horns are played with the mouth and throat as compared to many other instruments played with the hands.
Click for more about Essential Oils and the Chakras.
Essential Oils for the Throat Chakra
Essential oils exist at the boundary between the physical and the spiritual. They affect the emotions and the mind through the limbic system, the part of the brain involved in behavioral responses. Essential oils evaporate easily. They can be diffused to shift the energy in indoor living spaces. Essential oils have an ancient history of use in religious ceremonies and rituals.
Imbalances in the throat chakra can appear as throat issues, neck stiffness, trouble breathing, and thyroid problems. A positive affirmation for the throat chakra is “I express myself and my truth.” Specific oils used for the throat chakra include eucalyptus, myrrh and geranium.
Eucalyptus Oil and the Throat Chakra
Eucalyptus essential oil helps to reduce stress and mental exhaustion. Eucalyptus has traditionally been recommended for colds and sore throats. This is a soothing oil for the throat and respiratory system.
Myrrh Oil and the Throat Chakra
Myrrh essential oil is fantastic for the throat chakra and thyroid. Myrrh is actually a resin and not an herb. Myrrh is a thick, viscous essential oil that dries in a light film when applied to the throat. Learn more about myrrh and the thyroid in Physical Organs and the Throat Chakra.
Geranium Oil and the Throat Chakra
Geranium essential oil serves to increase spiritual protection. Geranium is also a calming oil for the mind and meditation. Geranium essential oil is thought to relax physical tension in the throat and elsewhere in the body.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Learn more about essential oils and the seven major chakras at Chakras and Essential Oils.
Click for more about Chakra Healing Stones.
Healing Stones for the Throat Chakra
Stones believed to positively influence the throat chakra are lapis lazuli, turquoise, and aquamarine. Many of these stones a re blue, which some consider to be the color of a purified throat chakra.
Lapis Lazuli and the Throat Chakra
Lapis lazuli symbolizes communication, intuition, expression, and higher awareness. The purpose of this stone is to inspire clear and truthful expression by enhancing intuition and spiritual awareness.
Turquoise and the Throat Chakra
Turquoise encourages speaking from the heart and self-acceptance. Additionally, it facilitates the release of old though patterns and beliefs that prevent us from fully expressing our thoughts.
Aquamarine and the Throat Chakra
Aquamarine is a stone of courage, and enlightenment. Aquamarine means “water of the sea” in Latin. This stone was carried by those who traveled by sea for good luck and a safe voyage. Aquamarine calms the nervous system and supports compassion, serenity, and acceptance.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Learn about healing stones for all of the chakras in Chakra Stones and Meanings.
Click for more about Chakra Gods & Goddesses.
Deities Associated with the Throat Chakra
One of the central Hindu deities associated with the throat chakra is Sadashiva. Sadashiva is the highest form of Shiva, the Hindu god of dissolution, somewhat akin to the Holy Spirit in the Western tradition.
Five Faces of Shiva
Sometimes Sadashiva is depicted with five faces representing five emanations of God or the four directions plus upward movement. Other sources see the number five symbolizing the five forces of the universe: creation, preservation, destruction, obscuration and grace.
Symbolism of Shiva
Sadashiva wears a tiger skin indicating his victory over animal instincts. The snake around his neck represents the endless cycle of birth and death. The trishula held in one hand is a three-in-one symbol representing the divine as a trinity.
Click for more about Chakra & Organs.
Physical Organs and the Throat Chakra
As the gateway to the digestive system, the throat chakra is said to have the ability to neutralize the poisons of life. This protects us from “swallowing” impure food or unpleasant feelings. On the other hand, the throat is also connected to addictions centered around food, alcohol and drugs.
Power of the Throat Chakra
There is a legend that goes as follows: when the human body was being created, God was trying to figure out where to hide the power center so that His creations would not misuse this fundamental energy. So He hid the power center in plain sight in the throat. In this place we would qualify this fundamental energy for blessing or bane with every word spoken. Thus, the throat is the place of greatest vulnerability and greatest strength. This is revealed in many common expressions:
- To attack someone else with lethal intent is to “go for the throat.”
- To be deeply moved by unexpressed grief or sadness is to have “a lump in your throat.”
- To be self-destructive is to “cut your own throat.”
- To be forced to do something unwillingly is to have something “shoved down your throat.”
- To put forth great effort is to “grab something by the throat.”
The thyroid gland plays a major role in metabolism, growth and vital body functions such as heart rate and body temperature. Chanting is an ideal tool for supporting the health of the thyroid gland since the vibrations of chanting and singing pass directly through the thyroid.
When I first began chanting, I had been on thyroid medication for over twenty years. Healing my thyroid took conscious effort on many levels. I used myrrh essential oil constantly when working to reinvigorate my thyroid after twenty years of medication. I also tried applying myrrh to my feet, especially around the neck of the big toe. Reflexologists say that spot is connected to the thyroid. More information in Chakras and Essential Oils.
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The throat chakra and thyroid are connected to creative expression. Although I am an artist and musician, I had spent more than two decades focused on administrative and project management tasks. During that time I was raising five children and felt that I needed to do whatever would pay the bills most efficiently. As I worked on healing my thyroid, I shifted to composing music, leading a kirtan band and writing my second book.
Before my thyroid was normalized, I was plagued with constant dry skin, cold hands and feet, and a level of fatigue that was a daily challenge. All of these symptoms persisted even when I was on moderate to high levels of thyroid medication. In addition to mantras, I also used journaling as emotional release technique. During this process, I had my thyroid tested under my doctor’s supervision my medication levels were gradually reduced.
Today I no longer have symptoms of low thyroid. Blood test show my thyroid in a normal range after years without medication. Before I found mantras and chanting, I had tried to heal this condition without success. I believe that adding the practice of chanting was a crucial component in finally alleviating this condition.
Throat Chakra Affirmations
Throat Chakra Affirmations
Affirmations can be used to create a positive future. This process involves choosing affirmations that fit your situation and using them for at least a few minutes a day until you are satisfied with the results. The following affirmations can be said aloud, sung or read daily to reinforce positive thoughts and are related to the throat chakra and personal power.
Throat Chakra Affirmations for Right Speech
- I speak only good. I speak words of love, faith, harmony, life, health and vitality. The power of my words create joy and success for myself and those around me.
- I am free of prejudice, fault-finding and criticism. I am a child of God and have dominion over all of the conditions in my life now. Power, power, power is mine now!
- I express my thoughts and feelings through my voice with love.
Throat Chakra Affirmations for Personal Power
- All power is mine for health, wealth, joy and freedom. Improvement comes quickly in every area of my life now.
- Love melts all inharmony in my life. I love every person I meet with the love of Christ and the love of Christ is reflected back to me. Love is producing healing in my life now.
- I think and speak sound, happy, constructive, life-filling words. I am liberating the power of vitality and strength to heal my body and my life.
- All power is now given me in mind, body and affairs. The power of God is now working through me to free me from every negative influence.
Throat Chakra Affirmations for Personal Freedom
- Nothing can hold me in bondage. All power is mine to control my thoughts, to vitalize my body, to experience success, and to bless others. I have dominion over all the conditions in my life.
- Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.
Throat Chakra Affirmations for Communication
- Divine Healing Intelligence strengthens and improves my communication abilities. Wonderful new possibilities, enhanced relationships and greater self-confidence are open to me.
- I have no necessity to control people or events. I relax and release people and events to the perfect will of God.
Throat Chakra Affirmations for the Power of Will
- Divine intelligence and divine love are at work in me. I relax, let go, trust and grow. My will is directed by divine intelligence.
- God’s will for me is supreme good. God’s will for me is health, happiness and joy. I choose the will of God for my life. My life unfolds freely and steadily with each day and week and year.
- I am willing to do the good will of God, which is the open door to fulfillment of all my dreams. God’s good will manifests in my life now. Not my will, but God’s be done.
More Chakra Resources
Chakras and Musical Notes: Chakras and musical notes have been paired in a number of ways. Learn about both Western and Eastern systems.
Chakra Names: Chakra names reveal the roles of the chakras in the body on psychological, spiritual and emotional levels. Includes explanations of English and Sanskrit chakra names.
Chakra Flowers: Chakra flowers offer unique symbolic meaning for each of the seven major chakras. Flowers are among the oldest spiritual symbols, revealing the meaning of each chakra.
Author Kathleen Karlsen
Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.
The throat chakra is connected to creativity and self-expression as well as the actions of speaking, chanting and singing. This chakra is associated with the neck, thyroid, esophagus, teeth, mouth and the ears. The throat and thyroid are where emotions, intentions, praise and criticism are expressed. This article includes information about the throat chakra symbol, healing stones, essential oils and Hindu deities that are associated with throat chakra meaning.