Third Eye Chakra Meaning

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3rd Eye Meaning & Spiritual Symbolism

What Does the Third Eye Do?

The sixth chakra is the third eye chakra, the seat of spiritual vision. The fundamental meaning of the third eye is intuition and visualization. For this reason, the third eye is associated with heightened perception and insight. The Sanskrit term for the third eye chakra is Ajna, which means to “command” or “perceive.” Learn more about the Sanskrit Names of the Chakras.

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Spiritual 3rd Eye Meaning

Awareness of the third eye stretches back into ancient history and cultures. Although usually viewed as a metaphysical or spiritual construct, the 3rd eye chakra is closely linked to both the pineal gland and the brain as a whole. In fact, an “open” third eye may enable an individual to see non-physical energy fields such as the aura.

Pineal and Pituitary Glands
In terms of associated organs in the physical body, the pineal gland is the most closely connected to this chakra. The pituitary gland is also linked to the third eye. These two endocrine glands are discussed in detail below. The 3rd eye is purported to be the source of clairvoyant abilities, prophecy, and dream interpretation. Development of the third eye can be accomplished with specific forms of yoga, meditation, and the practice of chanting.

The Power of Imagination
Finally, the third eye is the center of imagination. The word “imagination” itself means the ability to hold an “image” firmly in mind. This is the first step towards bringing that form into manifestation. This practice of visualization is also a proven technique in sports, musical performance, and other endeavors. Thus, strengthening the 3rd eye aids in both intellectual and artistic pursuits.

Third Eye Symbol Meaning
Many ancient artifacts and drawings of deities show individuals with a dot, a literal eye, or a snake protruding from their foreheads between the eyes. In the Hindu tradition, the god Shiva has many powers stemming from his mastery of the 3rd eye. He is reputed to be able to send lightning or scorching fire from his third eye at will.

3rd Eye, Prophecy and Dreams
An awakened or opened third eye also allows one to see into higher dimensions and levels of consciousness. Dreams may be related to the third eye. Dreams are often full of symbolism. They may contain hidden clues to current situations and future directions in your life. The accurate interpretation of dreams involves both intuition and an understanding of symbolic images. These capabilities relate to the 3rd eye chakra.

Chakra Sounds Third Eye

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Third Eye Chakra Sounds

The vibrations of chanting and singing are felt in the skull and can be consciously directed to the third eye chakra. The superficial location of the third eye is between the eyebrows at the bridge of the nose. In addition to clairvoyant and prophetic abilities, the third eye is also connected to physical eyesight. 

Mantra for the 3rd Eye and Vision

The practice of chanting, also known as mantra yoga, has powerful effects on the body, mind and consciousness. Scientists are studying these effects on individual well-being on many levels. This practice goes back thousands of years. In the Ayurvedic or Vedic tradition, there are mantras for specific parts of the body. There are also deities associated with each chakra. Each deity can be viewed as a frequency or vibration that can balance the organs associated with that chakra.

Sun Mantras for the 3rd Eye
In the case of the third eye, mantras to the sun are ideal. We depend on the sun for the light to see the world around us. There are also specific names or aspects of the sun related to vision. The name “Grinihi” is an attribute of the sun that heals and strengthens the eyes. The example below of a mantra for healing the eyes is “Om Grinihi Suryaya Adityom.”

Third Eye Mantra Meaning
The literal meaning of this mantra for vision is “I salute the Shining One that heals the eyes.” The mantra begins with the word OM. The syllable OM is the creative energy of the universe. “Suryaya” is a reference to Surya, the Hindu god of the sun. “Adityom” is an esoteric aspect of the sun (Aditya) for healing. An explanation and demonstration of this mantra is given in the video below.

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Seed Syllable (Bija) for the 3rd Eye Chakra

There are also seed syllables in Sanskrit for each of the major chakras. These syllables can be used in mantras to activate each chakra. The seed syllable for the third eye chakra is OM. The simple mantra “OM Namaha” means “I bow before the energy of creation.” A recording of this mantra can be found in the article Chakra Mantras & Seed Syllables. There are also vowels sounds, notes of the musical scale, musical instruments and syllables for sacred toning associated with the third eye chakra.

Vowel Sound for the Third Eye Chakra

In some systems, the vowel sound for the third eye chakra is a long “AA” sound (AY). In other systems, the vowel associated with the third eye chakra is “EE.” The sound “EE” is a sound of focus, specifically the ability to focus on a vision for your own or other’s benefit. All Sanskrit words with the sound “EE” can be used as components of eye healing mantras.

Sanskrit as An Energetic Language
The sound “EE” (as in shrim, krim, klim, etc) is a sound at the center of many significant Sanskrit words. These seed syllables carry a fundamental vibration. Sanskrit is an energetic language, meaning that its power comes directly from vibrational energy. These Sanskrit syllables that are said to correspond to specific meanings or aspects of creation and existence. Learn more in the article One Word Mantras.

AIM (IEEM) is the feminine counterpart of the bija mantra OM. AIM is the supreme shakti or feminine force known as Adi Shakti. AIM appears in many mantras to the goddesses and the Divine Mother.

HALIM (HLEEM) is a mantra of bliss (ananda) and ecstasy. Used more forcefully, this seed sound can neutralize negativity.

HRIM (HREEM) is a combination of “ha” for prana and “ra” for fire and light with “ee” for focus and motivation. The sound HRIM may help us to connect with the deity of our choice at the heart.

KLIM (KLEEM) draws all towards itself with a type of divine magnetism. KLIM carries the shakti power of attraction and is said to help hold or fix things in place like gravity.

KRIM (KREEM) is a mantra of divine manifestation, the divine electricity that exists behind all things. The letter “k” or ka is an initial thrust of energy or prana. The letter “r” adds fire and the “i” (EE) adds focus.

SHRIM (SHREEM) brings positive growth and development. SHRIM attracts energy, situations and people who are beneficial for our lives. SHRIM is a mantra of surrender and devotion.

Vowel Sounds and Sacred Toning
These sounds can be chanted on a single tone or sung using a simple melody for easier repetition.
Chanting vowel sounds is often referred to as toning. Toning is like a warm up for the chakras. This practice can be a stand-alone exercise or a precursor to singing mantras or other devotional music. Learn more in Chakra Vowel Sounds & Toning.

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Astrological Mantras for the Eyes

The use of mantras is a significant part of Vedic astrology. Each mantra is said to work in the subtle or unseen realms that influence our lives in every area. An astrology mantra mitigates challenging aspects and amplifies positive astrological configurations. In terms of the 3rd eye chakra, a mantra to Venus or Mercury can function as an eye healing mantra depending on the reason for the imbalance in the eyes.

Astrological Mantra for Venus
Venus can be of assistance with conditions of dryness, irritation or inflammation. Venus also helps with balancing the adrenals and the kidneys. The astrology mantra for Venus (Sukraya) includes the seed syllable “sum” which connects to the fundamental vibration of the planet Venus.

Lyrics: Om Sum Sukraya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Venus.

Astrological Mantra for Mercury
Mercury is associated with the nervous system as well as the ability for precise communication to take place between the brain and eyes. Mercury is also connected to the ability to interpret what you see properly. The astrology mantra for Mercury (Bhudhaya) includes the seed syllable “bum” which connects to the fundamental vibration of the planet Mercury.

Characteristics of Mercury
In Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury is associated with intelligence, logic, speech and friendship. Mercury also governs memory and transportation. Mercury is a messenger, delivering thoughts from one person to another or back and forth between celestial beings.

Lyrics: Om Bum Bhudhaya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Mercury.

RESOURCE: Listen to the above mantras and others in the article Astrology Mantras.

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Musical Notes for the 3rd Eye Chakra

Chakras and musical notes have been paired in a number of ways. A simple system is to assign sequential notes from the C Major scale to each of the chakras from the root to the crown: C (root), D (sacral), E (solar plexus), F (heart), G (throat chakra), A (third eye) and B (crown chakra). There is a fascinating history behind the musical systems of East and West. 

Third Eye Chakra and the Musical Scale
Using this basic system, the note for the third eye chakra is the 6th note of the musical scale. In the Western system, this is the sound “LA.” In the Eastern sargam system, this is the sound “DHA.” Learn more in the article Chakra Musical Notes.

Musical Instruments and the 3rd Eye
The musical instrument associated with the third eye chakra is the piano (also the harpsichord and other keyboard instruments). The piano is both a percussive instrument (the strings are stuck by hammers) and a melodic instrument (notes can be played simultaneously or sequentially). The piano yields a tremendous amount of room for creativity and imagination in the creation of music.

Third Eye Chakra
3rd Eye Chakra Symbol ©2018 Living Arts, LLC

Explore the meaning of all of the Chakra Symbols.

Third Eye Chakra Symbol

The third eye chakra is the door to prophetic vision, psychic intuition and seeing the future. This sacred spot is sometimes marked in the East on the forehead by the red dot known as the bindu. The third eye is also symbolized as a lotus flower with two white petals.

Lotus Petals and Third Eye Chakra Meaning

The two petals of the 3rd eye symbol represent the ida and pingala (mystical spiritual channels). The petals also represent Shiva (a masculine deity) and Shakti (feminine form of God) on the left and right, respectively. In addition, the ida and pingala are sometimes viewed as the unconscious and conscious minds. Finally, the two petals represent the pineal and pituitary glands.

Endocrine Glands and the 3rd Eye Chakra
The pineal gland has been revered as a central endocrine gland for spiritual development. This topic is covered in depth below in the section called Physical Organs and the Third Eye Chakra. The pituitary is a master gland that monitors and regulates many bodily functions including growth, sexual maturity, metabolism and blood pressure.

Sounds for the 3rd Eye Chakra Petals
As noted above, OM is the fundamental seed syllable of the third eye chakra. In addition, each of the two petals have their own syllables. These seed syllables are HAM (for Shiva on the left) and KSHAM (for Shakti on the right). The petals are also the home for the deity Hakini. She is the embodiment of pure-mindedness.

The Circle in the Third Eye Symbol

Immediately inside of the two lotus petals in the third eye chakra symbol is a circle. This circle encompasses all other aspects of the symbol related to the third eye. The circle symbolizes infinite space (the element akasha) and expansiveness. The circle also represents the cycles of nature at all levels from the atom to the universe itself. The central quest of spirituality is to experience the Oneness of these various realms.

The Meaning of the Circle
The circle is a physical manifestation that is a counterpart to the spiritual realms. A circle is a primordial form that cannot be further reduced. A circle at the smallest size becomes a point or bindu. The circle contains the notion that there is no end and no beginning to time. The numeric equivalent of the circle is zero.

The Cosmic Spider Web
The Hindu vision of the universe is a set of concentric circles. A metaphorical spider sits in the center, both spinning and reabsorbing the threads of reality. The circle represents the One force that both creates and unifies all things. 

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The Triangle in the 3rd Eye Symbol

The downward triangle inside of the circle in the third eye symbol is a depiction of the water element. This is a feminine element which can be seen in the shape of a waterfall. An upward triangle would represent the masculine energy and the element of fire. In addition, the triangle is the primary form that can enclose space within straight lines. This is the first form to emerge from chaos.

Meaning of the Downward Triangle
A downward triangle is often associated specifically with the goddesses Kali and Parvati. Kali is a Hindu goddess symbolizing mastery over time and death. Kali battles the forces of evil on behalf of her children. She is an intimidating figure, brandishing multiple weapons with her four arms. Learn more and hear a Kali chant in Kali Mantra: Goddess of Time & Death.

Goddess Parvati and the Third Eye
Parvati, also known as Uma, is the Hindu goddess of fertility, love and devotion as well as divine strength and power. She is the gentle and nurturing aspect of the goddess energy. Parvati is part of a trinity of Hindu goddesses that also includes Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, and Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and learning. Learn more and listen to a chant to this beautiful goddess in Parvati Mantra.

Crescent Moon & 3rd Eye Chakra Symbol

The glyph and dot at the top of the third eye chakra symbol represents the crescent moon, another form of feminine energy. In Hinduism, the moon is seen as a source of light protecting individuals in the darkness of the night. All forms of light are welcomed, including the secondary light of the moon. The moon is associated with the god known as Chandra. Learn more about Chandra in Astrology Mantras.

Symbolism of the Sun and Moon
The light of the sun is steady and bright. The sun symbolizes the fundamental energy of life. The light of the moon is unstable, waxing and waning through the month. Thus the moon symbolizes the changing cycles of life. In Vedic astrology, the moon represents the mind, including thoughts, feelings, and psychology. The astrology mantra to the moon includes the seed syllable CAM which connects to the fundamental vibration of the moon.

Chakra-Related Shorts

OM in the Third Eye Chakra Symbol

The Sanskrit symbol in the center of the third eye chakra symbol is the character for OM, the seed syllable for this chakra. The Sanskrit word OM is familiar to most people as the quintessential mantra. The sound of OM connects us to higher reality and the highest aspect of our own beings. In fact, OM is believed to be a sound of the whole cosmic manifestation.

Hum of the Universe
This sound of the universe is the sound from which all other sounds are formed. OM represents past, present and future. OM is a seed or building block of creation. The word OM is also a form of assent, much like saying “amen” at the end of a prayer. Thus, OM affirms the intention of the mantra.

Use of OM in Mantras
OM is often included at the beginning of a mantra or chant to clear the mind for meditation. OM is said to draw the energy from the bottom of the spine to the top of the head. The energy of OM is one of expansion and ascension. In terms of healing, OM brings prana into the subconscious mind.

OM and Vedic Astrology
From an astrological standpoint, OM is the sound of the sun. This balances the energy of the moon in the crescent shape just above the OM in the third eye symbol. The light of the sun helps to dissipate addictive tendencies and negative emotions, bringing them to light for healing and transmutation. Learn about additional universal sounds in One Word Mantras.

The 3rd Eye Chakra and the Pineal Gland

There are several organs associated with the third eye chakra. These organs include the eyes, the ears, the brain, the pituitary gland and the endocrine system in general. First, let’s take a deep dive into the role and functioning of the pineal gland.

Role of the Pineal Gland
The name pineal comes from the Latin pinea or pinus, meaning pine cone. Representations of the pineal gland are used symbolically in art of the Sumerians, Egyptians, Indonesians, Greeks, Romans and Babylonians. Some traditions say that the soul enters and leaves the physical body at birth and death through the pineal gland.

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Mythological References to the Pineal Gland
Other sources say that there is a whirring sound heard by the individual when the pineal gland is activated. This is represented in mythology as a toy used by the god Bacchus as a child. A pinecone-shaped piece of wood wrapped with a cord gave out a humming sound as he spun the toy.

Degeneration of the Pineal Gland
In most people, the degeneration of the pineal gland begins at the age of six or seven and continues until puberty. Some sources believe this is why children over the age of six or seven have a diminished ability to sense the spiritual world. They may no longer have “invisible playmates” or remember what happened “before they were born.”

Structure of the Pineal Gland
The interior of the pineal body contains follicles surrounded by connective tissue. The follicles consist of epithelial cells and calcareous deposits. In some reptiles the pineal gland serves as a light receptor. This connection may account for the serpent extended symbolically out of the forehead in the headdress of many Egyptian statues.

The Pineal Gland and Consciousness

The connection between the pineal gland and altered states of consciousness has been well-established in the traditions of yoga and meditation, but little scientific investigation has focused on this tiny gland. Long revered by mystics, the pineal gland has often been considered a useless, vestigial organ by medical doctors.

Pineal Gland and the Eye of God
Yet the “eye of God” features prominently in many esoteric traditions and even appears on the American dollar bill. The pineal gland has occasionally been a focus of study in modern times, usually to determine a possible role in mental illness and psychotic states.

Psychedelic Substance Research
One researcher, Rick Strassman, MD, spent five years conducting experiments with DMT, an endogenous, or naturally occurring, substance in the human body that causes psychedelic experiences when administered in large enough doses.

The Spirit Molecule
DMT is reputed to be released in the body (some suggest by the pineal gland) at birth, at death, and during times of extraordinary or life-threatening stress. Strassman devotes a couple of chapters in his book DMT: The Spirit Molecule to theories and research related to the pineal gland.

Experiences with DMT
In his experiments, subjects had very brief but powerful out-of-the-body experiences. Some believed that they met higher beings. Other had something more like an alien abduction experience. Many likened their experience to a near death experience. Nearly all of the subjects felt the experience was life-changing though in some the duration was only about ten minutes long.

Learn more about temple symbolism in the article on Shiva.

The Pineal Gland and Architecture

The pineal gland has also been featured in architectural structures. A magnificent example of the pineal gland in art and architecture is the ancient temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. The temple of Angkor Wat graced the civilization of the Angkor people from about 800 AD until the fifth century.

Temples of Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat literally means the “City of the Temple.” The political hierarchy included a god-king surrounded by priests and high dignitaries. The civilization was based on agriculture and an irrigation system that controlled the water of the Mekong River.

Pineal Gland Statue in the Vatican
Another fascinating place where a large statue topped by the pinecone-shaped pineal gland appears is in the Vatican. If the pineal gland is the seat of consciousness, did the early Catholics know the mystical teachings about the pineal gland? If so, why has the knowledge been lost?

Third Eye Symbolism
All of these symbols indicate that the pineal gland has been revered as significant in numerous civilizations. The ability to predict the future would clearly be an advantage for any civilization. In any case, the idea of third eye has become mainstream, whether taken seriously or viewed as a strange and far-fetched phenomenon.

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Third Eye Chakra Colors

The colors of the chakras vary from system to system. If the colors of the rainbow are assigned to the chakras starting with red at the root chakra, then the third eye chakra is indigo or violet. Others who are able to see the aura say that the color of the chakras vary based on the qualification of energy by the individual. In other words, if the individual is peaceful and calm, the colors in their aura and chakras will be different than the colors of an angry or violent individual.

Etheric Color of the Third Eye Chakra
Some who see into the etheric or higher realms assign the color green to the third eye chakra. Green increases sensitivity and compassion. Green is the perfect symbol of new life and hope. On the physical level, green helps to soothe inflammations. As a general tonic, green is restful and revitalizing at every level. In terms of specific color therapy uses, green is the color recommended to support a healthy heart and brain.

Caduceus Symbol
Caduceus Symbol

Third Eye Chakra and Acupuncture Meridians

The meridians or acupuncture channels create a complex network through which the life energy in the body travels. This life energy is also known as qi or chi. There are twelve main meridians. Acupuncture points are located in places where the chi is close to the surface. Estimates of the total number of acupuncture points ranges from 365 to over 2,000.

3rd Eye and Acupuncture
The acupuncture point related to the third eye chakra is called Yintang. This translates to “No Name,” “Central Mark” or “Hall of Impressions.” In the same position as the third eye chakra, this point is on the forehead midway between the eyebrows. Acupuncture or acupressure on the Yintang point is useful for sinus issues and headaches. On the emotional level, this point helps to calm worry, fright, agitation and mental tension.

Importance of the Yintang Point
On the spiritual level, treatment of this point has been noted to result in gained insight and improved decision making. In addition to vision, the Yintang point and the third eye chakra are connected to other sensory functions including hearing, the sense of smell, and general brain function. A study published in 2005 in Medical Acupuncture has shown similarities between acupressure induced sedation and general anesthesia using the Yintang point.

Reference: Medical Acupuncture, “Shenting and Yintang: Quantification of Cerebral Effects of Acupressure, Manual Acupuncture, and Laserneedle Acupuncture Using High-Tech Neuromonitoring Methods,” Gerhard Litscher, MDsc.

Nadis and the 3rd Eye Chakra

Like the acupuncture meridians, nadis are channels through which the energy of life flows at a subtle body or etheric level. The word “nadi” comes from the Sanskrit word “nad,” which means both movement and channel. There are two major nadis that run up the sides of the spine. Like the petals of the 3rd eye chakra, these nadis are masculine on one side (Pingala or Shiva) and feminine on the other (Ida or Shakti). In the Western world, these two channels are seen in the caduceus or medical symbol.

Masculine Nadi and the 3rd Eye
The masculine nadi is stimulated by the sound RA. The feminine nadi is stimulated by the sound MA. A simple chant alternating between these two syllables will help to raise the energy in these channels from the base or root chakra to the level of the nasal cavity. Interestingly, the combination of the two syllables RA and MA is the name Rama, one of the main gods in Hinduism.

Integration of Nadis at the 3rd Eye
A third subtle channel called the Sushumna-Nadi integrates with the Ida-Nadi and Pingala-Nadi. The Sushumna-Nadi is associated with the vetebral column, spinal cord and the brain. The Ida-Nadi ends close to the left nostril. The Pingala-Nadi ends close to the right nostril. The Sushumna-Nadi is located centrally. The Ida and Pingala cross over the spine at each chakra as they wind upwards. The functioning of these three nadis together is like a nervous system for the energy body.

Lavender for the Third Eye Chakra
Lavender Illustration ©2017 Living Arts, LLC

Essential Oils for the Third Eye Chakra

An imbalance in the third eye chakra may appear as ear and eye issues, learning disabilities, inability to make decisions, or feeling stuck. A positive affirmation for the third eye chakra is “I trust my intuition.” Three of the essential oils that are helpful for the third eye chakra are lavender, helichrysum and cedarwood. Learn more about essential oils and the chakras in Chakras and Essential Oils.

Lavender essential oil is one of most commonly used essential oils for calming the mind and body. This essential oil is steam distilled from the flowering top of the lavender bush. Lavender supports relaxation in the body and especially the mind. Perfect to use for a racing, anxious mind.

Helichrysum essential oil is steam distilled from the daisy flower. Known as the “Everlasting” or “The Immortal Flower,” the oil has been used in skincare anti-aging products for years. The floral scent of helichrysum is uplifting to the subconscious mind and can have a grounding and calming effect.

Cedarwood essential oil is steam distilled from the bark of the cedar pine tree. Researchers have discovered that cedarwood “stimulates the limbic region of the brain (the center of emotions) and stimulates the pineal which releases melatonin” (Essential Oils Desk Reference). Cedarwood is known for its calming and purifying properties and can help support deeper sleep.

Amethyst for the Third Eye Chakra

Explore crystals and gems in Chakra Stones and Crystal Meanings.

Healing Stones for the Third Eye Chakra

Stones believed to positively influence the third eye chakra are amethyst, purple fluorite, and obsidian.

Amethyst healing stones range from deep purple to dark blue. Amethyst has been used in religious ceremonies for years. This stone is also associated with Gautama Buddha. Tibetan prayer beads are often made from amethyst. Amethysts assists in clearing and cleansing energy fields, leading to greater concentration, awareness, insight, and enlightenment.

Purple fluorite is a stone of discernment. This stone and enhances clarity and mental abilities. The ancient Chinese believed fluorite offered protection from evil spirits and the stones were considered to be “dream makers.” The purple fluorite brings structure to incoherent thoughts or energies and calms the mind-body system.

Obsidian balances human energy fields and encourages the releasing of the ego. This stone is formed in swiftly cooling lava with high silica content. Historically obsidian was used to make tools and weapons. Snowflake obsidian is best for supporting the third eye chakra as it can restore a deep sense of protection and reverence.

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Hindu Deities Associated with the 3rd Eye

The third eye is associated with several deities and combined forms of deities. For example, Shiva is often depicted as having three eyes because of his powerful development of this chakra. Other deities associated with the third eye include Vishnu and his incarnations as Krishna and Rama. Mantras to Krishna (or his childhood forms called Govinda and Gopala) and wonderful for activating the third eye.

Shiva and the 3rd Eye Chakra
Shiva’s mastery over the third eye includes the ability to send a powerful beam from his third eye to incinerate whatever stands in his line of vision. Shiva is often depicted with a visible third eye to emphasize this affinity.

Krishna and the Third Eye Chakra
Krishna, one of the deities most closely associated with the third eye chakra, is the son of Devaki and her consort Vasudeva, king of the Chandravanshi clan. Devaki’s brother was Kansa, an evil tyrant. He was told that a child of Devaki would kill him, so he set out to murder the young Krishna.

Mantras to Krishna
For his own protection, Krishna was sent to live in the country with Nanda and his wife Yasoda. Krishna’s childhood was spent among their cow herds. This is the origin of Krishna’s childhood names, Gopala and Govinda. A simple mantra to Krishna is “Devakinandana Gopala.” This mantra means “Gopala is the joy or bliss (ananda) of his mother Devaki.” Hear Krishna mantras and learn more at Krishna Mantra.

Krishna and Third Eye Chakra
Krishna ©2018 Living Arts, LLC

Stories from Author Kathleen Karlsen

Third Eye and Telepathy

“I’ve had a number of experiences with visualizing that seem to be connected to the third eye chakra. At one point as a young teenager I attended a poorly funded public school in Prattville, Alabama. The school had only one bus and a very small cafeteria. This resulted in a full two hours of waiting in the gym sitting on the bleachers each day.

During those hours of daily waiting, I convinced a friend to play a game based on an experiment I had read about. In the experiment, a researcher created a set of five cards with different geometric shapes: a star, a circle, a triangle, a square and a diamond. One participant would look at the shapes and try to mentally send the image to someone else.

I created a set of the cards. My friend would look at a card and send me the image mentally. I discovered that if I closed my eyes, relaxed for a few seconds, and then opened them again, the symbol would appear on the wall across the gym.

There was no guessing and no struggle. The image simply appeared. When I tried to send the images to her, the success rate was very low. Perhaps I was a good receiver but not a good sender. Or maybe she was a great sender and not a good receiver.

Prophetic dreams are also associated with the third eye. Prophetic dreams appear throughout history, especially in the context of spiritual texts such as the Bible. Many kings and rulers depended on those who had visions or dreams and those could interpret them to help them make significant decisions.”

Visualization and the 3rd Eye

“I also tried an experiment when I was pregnant with my daughter. I was taking breaks from work regularly to get a snack. I’ve never been patient with all the time that it takes to eat enough food to keep body and soul together. Now I was eating for two!

Someone suggested I use the time for visualization. I started imagining a beautiful yellow-pink rose. It was one of those roses that blends from yellow to peach and then to pink at the edges of the petals. I would hold that image in my mind while I ate several times a day.

Soon afterwards, I received a gift of a dress with pink and yellow roses and then a similar pair of pajamas. When my daughter was born, she had beautiful red hair and a gorgeous peach complexion, courtesy of her Norwegian heritage on my husband’s side. We named her Rosemarie. That experiment yielded plenty of beautiful roses.”

Meditation and the Third Eye

“I took an online meditation course years ago that recommended focusing on the third eye. While taking the course and practicing daily, I started having an increased level of unusual experiences. For example, one night I woke up just after midnight and had the distinct feeling that I should go to sleep on my office floor.

I was not excited about the prospect. My office is in the basement, complete with the potential for spiders crawling on the floor. Nevertheless, I could not shake the feeling and could not go back to sleep. I gathered up my covers and pillow and headed for my office.

Within minutes of lying down on the floor, the phone rang. This was back when the phone was connected by a cord to a specific location! I jumped up and grabbed the phone. Someone was calling from India with services for my business. They had neglected to consider the time zone difference. I informed the caller that it was the middle of the night! I was not interested in talking business.

My entire family could have been woken up by the phone if I had not been lying on the floor in my office when the phone rang. Although I did not “see” anything, this was a type of knowing that felt connected to the third eye rather than the kind of gut level knowing associated with the solar plexus. I had a clear sense of something to do or some place that I had to be.

My conclusion was that activation of the third eye could have immediate practical benefits. I also felt strongly that I wanted to keep my spiritual path as heart centered as possible. I trusted that other spiritual gifts, such as the activation of the third eye, would grow naturally out of that focus.”

Affirmations for the 3rd Eye

Affirmations can be used to create a positive vision for our future, a process that directly involves the visualization power of the third eye chakra. The following affirmations can be said aloud, sung or read daily to reinforce positive thoughts. They are grouped by topic below.

Third Eye Affirmations for Creating a Positive Reality
I now create a life I love to look at.
I see the future with love and joy.
I see my life expanding in success and abundance.
I allow happiness to heal my body and my life.
I expand my vision to open new possibilities in my life.
My perfect eyesight reflects my view of a perfect reality.

Third Eye Affirmations for Safety and Well-Being
It is safe to be attractive.
It is safe for the world to look at me.
I navigate safely through the universe.
It is safe to have the attention of others on me.

Third Eye Affirmations for Effortlessness
I allow myself to live effortlessly.
I allow myself to learn effortlessly.
I achieve stellar results with very little effort.

Third Eye Affirmations for Feelings and Experiences
I am willing to express my feelings.
I am willing to see all of my experiences.
I am free to express all of my feelings.
It is safe to be free of anger and fear.
I am willing to change, grow and see anew.

Third Eye Affirmations for the Self and Others
My self-awareness changes my experience.
I am willing to see what is invisible to others.
I see others without judgment or criticism.
I am willing to see the truth about myself and others.

Third Eye Affirmations for the Self and God
I am willing to see myself.
I am willing to see my own power.
I am willing to see every aspect of my consciousness.
I am willing to see the Source of all love and awareness.
I am willing to pay attention to my own needs.
I am willing to pay attention to the messages of my body.
I am willing to hold to what is true for me.

More Chakra Resources

Chakras and Musical Notes: Chakras and musical notes have been paired in a number of ways. Learn about both Western and Eastern systems.

Chakra Names: Chakra names reveal the roles of the chakras in the body on psychological, spiritual and emotional levels. Includes explanations of English and Sanskrit chakra names.

Chakra Flowers: Chakra flowers offer unique symbolic meaning for each of the seven major chakras. Flowers are among the oldest spiritual symbols, revealing the meaning of each chakra. 


The sixth chakra is the third eye, the seat of spiritual vision. The third eye is associated with perception, intuition and insight. Third eye chakra meaning is closely connected to the pineal gland and clairvoyant abilities. The third eye can be viewed as the center of creation and imagination. This article includes information about the third eye chakra symbol, healing stones, essential oils, Hindu deities and spiritual abilities that are associated with third eye chakra meaning.

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Author Kathleen Karlsen

Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.

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