Astrology Mantras

Planet Mantras

Astrological Mantras

The use of mantras is a significant part of Vedic astrology. Each planet mantra is said to work in the subtle or unseen realms that influence our lives in every area. Astrology mantras mitigate challenging aspects and amplify positive astrological configurations.

When to Use Astrology Mantras
There are specific times when the planet mantras below are purported to be the most effective: solstices; equinoxes; eclipses; new and full moons; and sunrise, noon, and sunset. However, astrology mantras can be beneficial at any time.

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How Astrology Mantras Work

Astrology mantras improve karmic outcomes in life at all levels. By mitigating outside influences, they can help to heal the body and mind. They can also improve situations in a larger sense such as the fate of nations or the Earth itself. This article includes mantras for the main planetary bodies in our solar system: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter.

How Astrology Mantras Work
What I love the most about using mantras in association with astrology is that they are purported to function like adaptogens. Adaptogens are herbs and plants that bring bodily functions into the normal range in either direction.

Mantras as Adaptogens
If a system is overactive, they calm the system down. If a system or organ is underactive, they act as a stimulant. Since Vedic astrological mantras act like adaptogens, you don’t have to know whether particular planets are placed well in your chart to use them.

Function of Adaptogens
If the placement is good, the mantra will make things even better. If the placement is challenging, then the mantra will soothe and restore balance. There are numerous mantras related to astrology. My favorites are included below.

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Sun Astrology Mantra

Lyrics: Om Sam Suryaya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations to the sun.

The sun is usually associated with the masculine; the moon with the feminine. In ancient Egypt, the sun is associated with Horus, Ra and Osiris. Horus represents the rising sun, Osiris the setting sun, and Ra represents the sun’s zenith. Astrologically speaking, the sun is an expression of the outward self, the self that “shines” towards others. 

Hindu Sun God Surya
Surya is the Hindu deity who is the source of light or life. Surya is a sun god with a golden chariot driven by Aruna, a personification of the dawn. The chariot is pulled by seven horses representing the seven chakras or energy centers.

Seed Syllable of the Sun
Astrological mantras to the sun (Surya) usually include the seed syllable “sam” (pronounced “sum”) which connects to the fundamental vibration of the sun, giver of life and energy in this physical dimension. A detailed discussion of the many facets of Surya are included in the article Surya Mantra: Chant to the Hindu Sun God

Param Jyoti Mantra to the Sun
The Param Jyoti Mantra for Supreme Light is another powerful sun mantra: “OM HRIM Hamsa Soham Svaha.” HRIM relates to the sun, which is the planet of the heart. The solar energy and fire of the sun brings the outward expression of attraction and charisma. However, the solar energy of HRIM is gentle, similar to a sunrise. For more about this beautiful mantra, please see the article Param Jyoti Mantra.

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Moon Astrology Mantra

Lyrics: Om Cam Chandryya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of the moon.

The astrology mantra to the moon includes the seed syllable “cam” which connects to the fundamental vibration of the moon. In the Hindu tradition, the deity ruling over the moon is called Chandra. The name Chandra means “bright and shining” in Sanskrit. The moon in Vedic astrology represents the mind, including thoughts, feelings, and psychology.

Chandra Hindu God of the Moon
Chandra, Hindu God of the Moon

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Mystery of the Moon
The moon is associated with mystery and the hidden side of life. The moon is often viewed as the force that establishes a rhythm due to its changing phases. There are numerous moon deities in various world traditions. The moon has sometimes been viewed as masculine though more often it has feminine associations. Moon goddesses may represent only one phase of the moon. Each phase can be viewed as a new cycle of life. The full moon reflects completion, maturity or pregnancy.

The Moon and Religious Holidays
Many religions still use the moon to schedule significant holidays. For example, Easter is celebrated on the first full moon after spring equinox. The Chinese New Year starts following winter solstice and the second new moon. Passover in the Jewish tradition always happens on a full moon. In the Hindu tradition, the Festival of Lights called Diwali happens on the new moon when the sun enters Libra.

Symbolism of the Moon

The moon is closely associated with human emotions and the water element. Dreams of the moon are typically related to intuition or that which is hidden. This can be a positive association such as hidden talents. The moon can also represent anything which has a strong pull, reflected in the way that the moon affect ocean tides. Ultimately, the moon represents the power of rebirth.

Meaning of the Light of the Moon
The light of the moon is also associated with abundance. The light of the moon is softer than the light of the sun, more like splendor than brilliance. When the moon shines brightly, all is peaceful. The light of the moon can be a guide in the darkest of nights.

Pairing the Sun and Moon
The sun and moon are often paired together as husband and wife or brother and sister. This ancient pattern is carried forward even in the symbolism of Christianity. For example, the story of Saint Francis and Saint Claire, immortalized in film as Brother Sun, Sister Moon.

Moon Gods & Goddesses Around the World

Like many other deities, moon deities have changed and evolved over time in different cultures. For example, the moon goddesses in Greek and Roman culture were changed to represent the different phases of the moon. In Greek culture, their moon goddess Selene became Artemis, then had an aspect named Hectate or Persephone for the dark moon phase, the new moon became Artemis or Kore, and her full moon aspect was known as Demeter. Other moon deities include the following:

Abuk: Dinka Moon Goddess

Abuk is the goddess of fertility, morality, creativity, and love in the Dinka tradition.

Artemis: Greek Moon Goddess

A Greek moon goddess who also ruled over the hunt, wilderness, wild animals, and chastity. Her Roman form was known as Diana.

Chandra: Moon God in Hinduism

Chandra is the Hindu moon god also known as Soma.

Chang Xi: Chinese Moon Goddess

Moon goddess in China, mother of 12 moons that correspond to the 12 months of the year.

Kabigat: Filipino Bontok Goddess

Filipino Bontok goddess who cut off the head of Chal-chal’s son. The origin of headhunting came from her actions.

Mayan Moon Goddess

The mayan moon goddess does not have an official name, but she does have many forms. Each phase of the moon has a separate goddess, represented as a woman going through the phases of her life. She has been associated with sexuality and procreation, fertility, growth, and disease. She is heavily associated with water.

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Mars Astrology Mantra

The astrology mantra for Mars (Kujaya) includes the seed syllable “kum” which connects to the fundamental vibration of the planet Mars.

Lyrics: Om Kum Kujaya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Mars.

Symbolism of Mars
In Vedic astrology, Mars signifies younger siblings, especially a younger brother. Mars is associated with conflict and war on the one hand and valor and defense on the other. On the physical level, Mars is related to the muscular system.

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Mercury Astrology Mantra

The astrology mantra for Mercury (Bhudhaya) includes the seed syllable “bum” which connects to the fundamental vibration of the planet Mars.

Lyrics: Om Bum Bhudhaya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Mercury.

Meaning of the Planet Mercury
In Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury is associated with intelligence, logic, speech and friendship. Mercury also governs memory and transportation. Mercury is a messenger, delivering thoughts from one person to another or back and forth between celestial beings.

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Venus Astrology Mantra

The astrology mantra for Venus (Sukraya) includes the seed syllable “sum” which connects to the fundamental vibration of the planet Venus.

Lyrics: Om Sum Sukraya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Venus.

Symbolism of the Planet Venus
Venus represents marriage as well as other partnerships. Venus also represents the relationship between the individual and finances or material possessions. Venus is considered to be a refined planet. In order to attain happiness, the individual must change their perceptions in life and balance their karma. Material possessions and partnerships alone will not yield ongoing happiness.

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Saturn Astrology Mantra

The astrology mantra for Saturn (Sanaya) includes the seed syllable “sam” which connects to the fundamental vibration of the planet Mars.

Lyrics: Om Sam Sanaya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Saturn.

Role of the Planet Saturn
In Vedic astrology, Saturn is the bearer of karma. Saturn is slow-moving, taking two and a half years to move from one zodiac constellation to another. Saturn brings responsibility and discipline. Saturn is personified in Hinduism as Shani, an incarnation of Krishna. Approximately every thirty years, Saturn returns to the original place in the natal chart, bringing good or challenging experiences based on the individual’s actions during that period.

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Jupiter Astrology Mantra

The astrology mantra for Jupiter (Brihaspataye) includes the seed syllable “brim” which connects to the fundamental vibration of the planet Mars.

Lyrics: Om Brim Brihaspataye Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Jupiter.

Symbolism of the Planet Jupiter
In Vedic astrology, Jupiter is known as Guru (spiritual teacher), Devaguru (teacher of the gods) and Brihaspati (Lord of Light). Jupiter is a planet of work, development, education and higher spiritual insight. Some astrologists view Jupiter as the planet of optimism, success and generosity. Jupiter is immense, mature and benevolent.

Vedic Planet Mantras

One Word Mantra: CAM
Full Mantra: Om Cam Chandryya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of the moon.

One Word Mantra: KUM
Full Mantra: Om Kum Kujaya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Mars.

One Word Mantra: BUM
Full Mantra: Om Bum Bhudhaya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Mercury.

One Word Mantra: SUM
Full Mantra: Om Sum Sukraya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Venus.

One Word Mantra: SAM
Full Mantra: Om Sam Sanaya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Saturn.

One Word Mantra: BRIM
Full Mantra: Om Brim Brihaspataye Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Jupiter.

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Symbolism of Comets

Comets are unique cosmic bodies associated with both good and bad omens. Comets orbit the sun the way planets do, but have a longer orbit and different composition. There are currently 3,743 comets known to be orbiting our sun. Comets can be thought of as cosmic snowballs made of frozen gases, rocks and dust. The tail of a comet is made of particles that burn off as the comet travels through space.

The Most Famous Comet of All
The most famous comet is Halley’s Comet, named after astronomer Edmund Halley. Halley was the first to realize that comets have a periodic orbit. He correctly predicted the return of his namesake in 1757 after observing it in 1682.

The Hale Bopp Comet
Another well-known comet is Hale Bopp. This massive comet that made a close approach to the earth is 1997. This was the closest approach of this comet in 4,000 years. The last time the comet was near Earth was during the Bronze age in 2000 BC.

Comparing Halley’s Comet and Hale Bopp
While Halley’s comet is 3.4 miles in radius, the Hale-Bopp comet is 18.6 miles in radius. It’s so bright that it was visible from earth as early as 1995 when it was still outside of Jupiter’s orbit. Another famous comet is Shoemaker Levy-9. This comet broke into 21 different pieces after experiencing the stress of Jupiter’s gravity in 1992.

Recent Comet Impacts
Then the comet slammed into the planet two years later in 1994. According to New Scientist magazine, “The impact of one fragment – around 3 km across – is said to have yielded an explosion and fireball equivalent to 6 million megatons of TNT. The plume reached 22,000 km (13,700 miles)….”

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Comet Symbolism in Hinduism

Comets can have both good and bad symbolic meanings. In either case, they are known in Hinduism for being a disruption in the order of the world. A comet is mysterious, hard to predict event. On the other hand, they are also a point of light in the darkness of space.

Comets in Hindu Mythology
In Hindu mythology, comets are associated with Rahu and Ketu, two powerful demons. In one story, Rahu and Ketu were trying to drink one of the elixirs of the gods through deceptive means. They were noticed by the sun and moon gods. Vishnu, one of the Hindu trinity, rushed in and lopped off their heads.

Comets as Immortal Demons
The heads of these demons, having already experienced the elixir, became immortal. Their bodies became serpents. The shining heads and the serpent tails are seen in the heavens as comets. The comets are believed to swallow the moon and sun temporarily, causing what we know as lunar and solar eclipses. In other traditions comets are connected to new beginnings and to the elephant-headed god Ganesha. Learn more about Ganesha Meaning.

Comets as Bad Omens
The appearance of a comet is perceived as a bad omen more often than a good one. A comet may portend a significant death, natural disasters, political or civil unrest and so forth. Some people may avoid scheduling important events during the appearance of a comet. This may include weddings, real estate transactions or major construction projects.

Comet Symbolism in Christianity

Comets and meteors also have important ties in Christianity. For example, when St. Lawrence was martyred in 258AD during the reign of Emperor Valerian, the Perseid meteor shower was at its peak. The shooting stars became symbolically connected with the saint’s tear. Others have argued that the star the Magi followed to Bethlehem to see the baby Jesus was actually a comet.

More Info on the Web:
Comets, NASA Science
New Scientist

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Sacred Nature of the Heavens

The sense of awe inspired by the heavens is a universal phenomenon. People in nearly every culture have found great joy in studying the skies. Many cultures have myths and stories based on star configurations. Various deities have been associated with planets and constellations for thousands of years. In the Vedic system, astrology mantras show how each heavenly body has been personified.

A Personal View of the Heavens
For me, the universe, stars and heavenly bodies have always been sacred. When I was five or six, my grandfather was building a house on a piece of land on a mesa in New Mexico. Someone had practiced target shooting on the property with an old science textbook, which he brought home to me.

There was a bullet hole right through the middle of the book. I flipped through the book and found pictures of the solar system. I could not understand how anyone could damage a book that contained a picture of the solar system! That seemed to me to be a desecration of something very holy.

Author’s Perspective on Astrology
Although I am not an expert in astrology, I find the idea that life occurs in cycles to be reasonable and plausible. My personal connection to the stars in the heavens stems from my childhood. My father flew planes in the final years before computerized flight navigation systems. He literally studied star maps and would determine his course by viewing or “shooting the stars” with handheld instruments.

Learning from Star Maps
As the seasons and constellations changed, he had new maps of the stars to study. He brought home the outdated star maps from work. Those were my first coloring books. As I traced the lines and constellations, I felt that I had come from somewhere out there. My home was among the stars! I learned the names of the stars and could point them out in the night sky as a small child.

Astrology as Preparation for the Future
Many people find that understanding their astrology helps to prepare them for upcoming challenges or shifts in their world. This gives them clues to what to expect and an opportunity to mitigate negative experiences. Astrology also indicates times of great opportunities.

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Author Kathleen Karlsen

Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.


This article is an introduction to astrology mantras and the Vedic tradition of astrological mantras. Included are a brief discussion of the sacred nature of the heavens, the mantras for the major planets and the sun and moon and a personal perspective on astrology mantras. There are videos and illustrations throughout of the astrology mantras discussed.

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