Parvati Mantra

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Parvati Mantra: Chant to a Beautiful Goddess

Parvati, also known as Uma, is the Hindu deity of fertility, love and devotion as well as divine strength and power. She is the gentle and nurturing aspect of the goddess energy. Parvati is part of a trinity of Hindu goddesses that also includes Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, and Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and learning.

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Meaning of Parvati's Name

Parvati is the consort of Shiva and the mother of Ganesha and Kartikeya. She is the daughter of Himavan (the god and personification of the Himalayas) and Queen Mena. Parvati’s name is derived from the Sanskrit words for “mountain.” Her name can be translated as “daughter of the mountains.”

Parvati and the Sacral Chakra
Parvati is the goddess of family and the home, perhaps similar to hearth goddesses. This makes sense since the sacral chakra is connected to relationships, home, family and romance. There are many beautiful mantras and bhajans (sung poems) associated with Parvati.

Meaning of Parvati's Mantra

The words to this chant are, “Parvati, Parashakti Parvati; Jai Parvati, Shakti Mata.” A translation of the meaning is: “Victory to Parvati, the one who is the highest of the divine goddesses and the Mother of Life.” A word by word translation is as follows:

PARASHAKTI: the highest shakti, feminine energy, goddess
JAI: victory
SHAKTI: the formless feminine energy that pervades the universe and all life
MATA: Sanskrit word for Mother

Parvati Goddess Trident Meaning

Goddess Parvati's Symbolism

Like all images of the Hindu deities, depictions of Parvati carry multiple symbolic meanings. First of all, Parvati carries a trident, also known as a trishula. The three-pronged trident removes evil on the physical, mental and spiritual levels.

Parvati’s Trident Meaning
In the human body, the trident represents the place where the three main nadi or energy channels meet at the third eye. The central channel is represented by the longer, central point on the trident and continues upwards to the crown.

The Fearlessness Mudra
Parvati’s right hand is in the fearlessness mudra. This is a gesture of reassurance and safety which dispels fear and gives divine protection. The gesture is formed with the right hand upright with the palm facing outward.

Parvati’s Lotus Flower
Parvati’s left hand hold a lotus flower. The lotus rises perennially from a watery earth environment full of mud to a beautiful and exalted state. The lotus symbolizes spiritual achievement while remaining rooted in the world of experience.

Parvati’s Many Arms
Since Parvati has four arms, she is able to hold multiple symbolic objects! The sword held in her fourth arm is used to cut the bonds of ignorance and ego. Swords appear as a spiritual weapon in cultures around the world. In fact, some interpret the word “sword” as a shortened form of the two words “sacred word.” It is the wisdom teachings that separate the real from the unreal. 

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Author Kathleen Karlsen

Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.

Parvati Mantra Article Summary

Parvati, also known as Uma, is the Hindu deity of fertility, love and devotion as well as divine strength and power. She is the gentle and nurturing aspect of the goddess energy. Parvati’s mantra activates the energy of the Divine Feminine or the Great Goddess.

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