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Chakra Seed Sounds
The chakra seed sounds are based on the fundamental vibrations that are believed to create and sustain the entire universe. In this case, these sounds activate the seven major chakras or energy centers. According to Vedic sources, using the chakra seed sounds in mantras can clear and strengthen each of the chakras.
Sanskrit Alphabet
The chakra seed sounds are single syllables utilizing the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. The Sanskrit alphabet has mystical qualities collectively known as the Matrika or the Mother. Each letter and each sound is tied to the fabric of the physical realm. We’ll decode the inner power of the chakra seed sounds based on their letters.

Sounds of Consciousness
The Sanskrit alphabet or Matrika is often referred to as “she who binds” or “she who sets free.” Using the chakra seed sounds is a practice that ultimately creates freedom for the practitioner. These sounds are exact. Each chakra seed sound functions as a tool for higher consciousness.
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Root Chakra Seed Sound: LAM
The root chakra seed sound is LAM, pronounced “luhm” or “lung.” This sound specifically activates the energy of the root chakra. The root chakra is at the base of the spine. This is the chakra of safety and security. The name for the root chakra in Sanskrit is Muladhara.
Meaning of the Root Chakra Name
“Mula” means “root” and “adhara” means “base or support.” In the Hindu tradition, the base chakra is depicted as a lotus flower with four petals. The four petals of the base chakra are generally viewed as mind, intellect, consciousness and ego. Learn more in our article on Chakra Names.
Root Chakra and the Physical Body
The base or root chakra is our fundamental connection to the physical plane. This is the place where ancestral memories reside. The root chakra governs the lower part of the body, including the feet, legs, knees, hips, lower back and lower spine. These areas of the body establish balance and stability. Listen to the root chakra mantra “OM LAM Namaha” in the article Chakra Mantras.
Sacral Chakra Seed Sound: VAM
The sacral chakra seed sound is VAM, pronounced “vuhm” or “vung.” This chakra is defined as the seat of the self and the relationship of the self with others. The sacral chakra is said to house the unconscious. This is sometimes symbolized as the ocean. The sacral chakra is the realm of exchange and finances. If this energy is used improperly, addiction to sex or gambling can result.
Meaning of the Sacral Chakra Name
The second or sacral chakra is known as Svadhisthana. Svadhishthana means “one’s own abode.” The sacral chakra is also known as the seat of creation. For this reason, the sacral chakra is sometimes called the seat of the soul. More details about the sacral chakra can be found at Sacral Chakra Meaning. Listen to the sacral chakra mantra “OM VAM Namaha” in the article Chakra Mantras.
Sacral Chakra and the Physical Body
The organs associated with the sacral chakra are the reproductive organs, the kidneys and the bladder. As the center of reproductive ability, the sacral chakra is also the seat of artistic creation. The role of the kidneys in filtering blood is absolutely vital for optimal health. The kidneys also control blood volume by regulating salts and water. Learn to use stones and crystals to support these organs and the sacral chakra in Chakra Stones and Crystal Meanings.
Solar Plexus Chakra Seed Sound: RAM
The solar plexus chakra seed sound is “RAM,” pronounced “ruhm.” Interestingly, this is also the name of a prominent Hindu deity called Ram or Rama. Explore the story of Ram in the article Sita Ram Mantra. When purified, this is the chakra of inner peace. The solar plexus chakra is located at the naval. This is the center of intuition, the place where you get a “gut feeling.” Listen to the sacral chakra mantra “OM RAM Namaha” in the article Chakra Mantras.
Meaning of the Solar Plexus Chakra Name
The third chakra or solar plexus chakra is known as Manipura. The name translates as the “city of jewels.” “Mani” means “gem” while “pura” means “city.” The solar plexus chakra is connected to both service and desires. The solar plexus is related to the individuation process and the ability to take on responsibility. This chakra can be a place of personal authority and emotional strength. Find out more about the solar plexus chakra in Solar Plexus Chakra Meaning.
Solar Plexus Chakra and the Physical Body
The solar plexus chakra governs the power of transformation and assimilation. The solar plexus chakra is the center of digestion of food on the physical level as well as the digestion of thoughts and emotions on the mental and emotional levels. If misused, chronic digestive issues may result. Learn more in the article Chakras and Organs of the Body.
Heart Chakra Seed Sound: YAM
The seed sound for the heart chakra is YAM, pronounced “yuhm.” As the seat of love and devotion, the heart expresses charity, compassion, and kindness. The heart is also a focus for beauty and culture. The energy of this chakra integrates opposite forces or brings two parts together. The heart chakra is symbolized by a twelve-petaled lotus with interlocking triangles. This is a depiction of yin and yang or male and female. Listen to the sacral chakra mantra “OM YAM Namaha” in the article Chakra Mantras.
Meaning of the Heart Chakra Name
The fourth chakra is the heart chakra or the Anahata chakra. In Sanskrit, “Anahata” means “unhurt, unstruck, unbeaten.” At the same time, Anahata means “pure” or “clean.” The heart chakra is believed to house an inner chakra or chamber where the spark of life resides. In the Western tradition, this is known as the three fold flame or the inner chamber of the heart. In the East, this is sometimes called Brahma’s Cave. Learn more in Chakra Names and Sanskrit Meanings.
Heart Chakra and the Physical Body
The physical organs associated with the heart chakra are the heart itself, the circulatory system and the lungs. Sounds associated with the lungs include “hamsa” and “soham.” These sounds mimic the action of inhalation and exhalation. They can be used to focus the mind while concentrating on the breath. The word “hamsa” also means “swan.” This can be used as a title of respect as the swan is viewed as one of the highest birds. Learn more about the heart chakra in the article Heart Chakra Meaning.
Throat Chakra Seed Sound: HAM
The Sanskrit seed sound for the throat chakra is HAM, pronounced “hum.” The throat chakra symbol has sixteen petals. In the center is a triangle pointing downward and a white circle representing akasha or ether. The throat chakra is connected to creativity and self-expression as well as the actions of speaking and chanting. The throat and thyroid are where emotions, intentions, praise and criticism are expressed. Listen to the mantra “OM HAM Namaha” in Chakra Mantras.
Meaning of the Throat Chakra Name
The fifth chakra is the throat chakra or the Vishuddha chakra. In Sanskrit, Vishuddha means “especially pure.” The throat chakra is the place where energy is qualified through sound for blessing or bane with every word spoken. Thus, the throat is the place of greatest vulnerability and greatest strength. The throat chakra and thyroid are also connected to creative expression.
Throat Chakra and the Physical Body
The thyroid gland plays a major role in metabolism, growth and vital body functions such as heart rate and body temperature. Chanting is an ideal tool for supporting the health of the thyroid gland since the vibrations of chanting and singing pass directly through the thyroid.This chakra is associated with the neck, thyroid, esophagus, teeth, mouth and the ears. Learn more in Throat Chakra Meaning.
Third Eye Chakra Seed Sound: OM or AH
The seed sound for the third eye chakra is “OM,” pronounced “ohm.” The sixth chakra is the third eye, the seat of spiritual vision. The third eye is the center of imagination. The word “imagination” itself means the ability to hold an “image” firmly in mind. This is the first step towards bringing that form into manifestation. This practice of visualization is also a proven technique in sports, musical performance, and other endeavors. Thus, strengthening the third eye aids in both intellectual and artistic pursuits.
Meaning of the 3rd Eye Chakra Name
The Sanskrit term for this chakra is Ajna, which means “command” or “perceive.” The third eye, usually associated with clairvoyant abilities, can be developed with yoga, meditation and the practice of chanting. Though primarily known as the seat of vision, the third eye chakra is also connected with hearing. Explore this topic further in Third Eye Chakra Meaning.
3rd Eye Chakra and the Physical Body
The pineal gland or third eye is associated with this chakra. In most people, the degeneration of the pineal gland begins at the age of six or seven and continues until puberty. Some sources believe this is why children over the age of six or seven have a diminished ability to sense the spiritual world. They may no longer have “invisible playmates” or remember what happened “before they were born.” Listen to the sacral chakra mantra “OM Namaha” in the article Chakra Mantras.
Crown Chakra Seed Sounds: AUM or ANG
There are multiple seed sounds attributed to the crown chakra. Some believe the crown is not a single chakra, but a cluster of chakras. The seed sounds are AH, ANG, and AUM. Listen to the sacral chakra mantra “OM AH Namaha” in the article Chakra Mantras.
Meaning of the Crown Chakra Name
The crown chakra is the seat of enlightenment, known in Sanskrit as the Sahasrara chakra. Sahasrara means “thousand-petaled.” According to Eastern traditions, the crown chakra is related to god-consciousness (samadhi) and the transforming powers of the divine. The crown can be viewed as the father, or spirit energy, drawing the mother, or earth energy, from the lower chakras upward.
Crown Chakra and the Physical Body
On the physical level, the crown is related to the nervous system and the brain. The brain has long been viewed as the seat of learning and intelligence. Studies now show that the brain retains elasticity far better than previously thought. Lifelong learning and exercise help to keep the brain functioning at an optimal level into the final decades of life. There is also a connection to the pineal and pituitary glands (similar to the third eye) and to the hypothalamus. Discover more in Crown Chakra Meaning.

Summary of the Chakra Seed Sounds
Each of the seed syllables for the chakras can be used independently or combined in mantras. The seed syllables for the seven main chakras are as follows:
LAM (root chakra or muladhara chakra)
VAM (sacral chakra or svadhisthana chakra)
RAM (solar plexus chakra or manipura chakra)
YAM (heart chakra or anahata chakra)
HAM (throat chakra or vishuddha chakra)
OM or AH (third eye chakra or ajna chakra)
AUM or ANG (crown chakra or sahasrara chakra)
Many mantras begin with OM, a sound said to represent the hum of the universe and to focus the mind. In addition, mantras often end with “Svaha.” “Svaha” literally means a fire offering. This word is similar to “Amen” in the West, indicating completion or agreement. Mantras may also end with “Namaha” meaning “I acknowledge, I honor or I bow.”
Chakra Seed Sound Mantras
This basic formula create simple mantras with the chakra seed sounds:
The video above (Energize Your Chakras) demonstrates these mantras.

The Power of Mantras
The word “mantra” translates to “a tool to free the mind.” The chakra seed sounds are the most potent tool in this process. These sounds are said to have been discerned rather than invented. By inner attunement, the ancient sages connected to these powerful syllables.
Mantras as a Bridge
Mantras are a tantric process. This means that they unite those who recite them with the energy of the sound itself. The word “tantra” means union. Mantras are a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. The bija or seed syllables link the mind and body with a greater Source.
Creating a Body of Sound
Each person has a “sound body.” This is also referred to as the mantra parusha. Since our bodies are composed of the forces of nature, each of the chakra seed sounds reflect different proportions of the basic energies of nature.
The chakra seed syllables are one of the most direct ways to create a connection between ourselves and our environment as well as our higher selves. The chakra seed sounds are a kind of one word mantraLearn more about mantras and the bija syllables in the article One Word Mantras.
More Chakra Resources
Chakras and Musical Notes: Chakras and musical notes have been paired in a number of ways. Learn about both Western and Eastern systems.
Chakra Names: Chakra names reveal the roles of the chakras in the body on psychological, spiritual and emotional levels. Includes explanations of English and Sanskrit chakra names.
Chakra Flowers: Chakra flowers offer unique symbolic meaning for each of the seven major chakras. Flowers are among the oldest spiritual symbols, revealing the meaning of each chakra.
Author Kathleen Karlsen
Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.
The chakra seed sounds affect and activate the seven major chakras. The chakra seeds sounds are mystical syllables that do not have an exact translation or definition. These Sanskrit syllables can be used for toning and mantra practice. Learn about each chakra seed syllable and practice the sounds with a chakra video mediation.