
Heart Chakra Meaning
The heart chakra is the seat of love and devotion. In a balanced and healthy state, the heart expresses charity, compassion, and kindness. In addition, the heart is a focus for beauty and culture. Expanding the heart chakra brings the awareness of service to the community and compassion for others.
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Role of the Heart Chakra
The heart chakra appears to function like a spiritual GPS, always leading us to our own true north. There is really no fear of getting lost or going astray. If we turn into a byway or take a detour, our heart simply recalculates the path instantly. Explore other aspects of the chakras in Chakra Sounds, Chakra Stones and Chakras and Essential Oils.

Heart Chakra Symbol
The fourth chakra is the heart chakra or the Anahata chakra. In Sanskrit, “Anahata” means “unhurt, unstruck, unbeaten.” At the same time, Anahata means “pure” or “clean.” The energy of this chakra integrates opposite forces or brings two parts together.
Lotus Petals and the Heart Chakra
Lotus petals are part of every chakra representation. The heart chakra is symbolized by a twelve-petaled lotus with interlocking triangles. The twelve petals of the heart chakra symbol correspond to the twelve months of the year and the twelve astrological signs. The twelve positive qualities of the heart chakra include peace, bliss, love, harmony, empathy, understanding, unity, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, purity, and clarity. The lotus is connected to the energy of creation and symbolizes the unfolding of spirituality or divinity.
Circle Symbol and the Heart Chakra
The lotus petals are resting on a circle. The circle symbolizes the cycles of life and death, the seasons and the realm of physical matter. The circle is the most basic geometric form. This is the first thing a child draws, either as a circle for the sun or as a head on a human form.
Triangles in the Heart Chakra Symbol
Within the circle are two overlapping triangles. The upward triangle is a male symbol. This triangle represents the element of fire. The downward triangle represents the water element and the divine feminine. The overlap of these two triangles is a depiction of yin and yang or male and female.
Heart Chakra Seed Syllable
The symbol within the interlocking triangles is the Sanskrit character for the sound YAM, the seed syllable of the heart chakra. Seed syllables are single syllables that activate the energy of the respective chakras. Each of the seed syllables for the chakras can be used independently or combined in mantras.
Crescent Moon in the Heart Chakra Symbol
The symbol of the single stroke with the dot above at the top of the heart chakra symbol represents the moon and the emotions, a source of feminine energy. The dot above the crescent moon is similar to the Bindu, the dot often applied to the center of the forehead between the eyebrows in the East to represent spiritual vision. Learn more about the Chakra Symbols.
Heart Chakra Sounds
Each of the seven major chakras are affected by particular sounds, tones, mantras and musical instruments. Each chakra has a seed syllable in Sanskrit that connects to its fundamental vibration. The seed syllable for the heart is YAM (pronounced “yum”). A simple mantra utilizing this sound would be “Om Yam Namaha” meaning “I give honor to the energy of the heart chakra.”
Musical Instruments and the Heart
The musical instrument associated with the heart chakra is the violin or other stringed instruments. Think of the phrase, “She is pulling on my heart strings.” The sound of string instruments comes very close to that of the human voice when compared to a drum or the piano, for example. We naturally connect to the expressiveness of a violin or cello.
Sacred Toning and the Heart Chakra
There are also vowel sounds (AH), and notes of the musical scale (FA: Western system, MA: Eastern system) that correspond to the heart chakra. These sounds can be used to activate and balance the heart chakra. Learn more about the practice of sacred toning in the article Chakra Sounds.
Click for more about Essential Oils and the Chakras.
Essential Oils for the Heart Chakra
The heart chakra can be uplifted by several different essential oils. An imbalance in the heart chakra may appear as chronic fatigue, upper back pain, heart related issues and anxiety/depression. Traumatic experiences also affect the heart and may leave you feeling lost and confused. Floral oils are particularly effective for the heart. Three very useful oils include neroli, angelica and rose oil.
Neroli Oil and the Heart Charkra
Neroli essential oil is extracted from the flowers of the orange tree. The ancient Egyptians used neroli for its ability to heal the mind, body and spirit. This oil is a natural relaxant and can be used in high-stress experiences to restore calm. Neroli essential oil stabilizes emotions and can bring a feeling of hopefulness and confidence.
Angelica Oil and the Heart Chakra
Angelica essential oil was named the “oil of the angels” because its strong healing powers. This essential oil is steam distilled from the root of the parsley family. Some believe the root is of divine origin. This oil can purify and help with infections. When applied on the body this oil can assist in releases pent up emotions from traumatic past experiences.
Rose Oil and the Heart Chakra
Rose essential oil is balancing and calming. The beautiful fragrance of rose oil helps bring balance and harmony. It also has an aphrodisiac like effect. This oil helps restore confidence and a sense of overall wellbeing. To create one 15ml bottle of pure rose essential oil takes 2,000lbs of rose petals. As a result, this is one of the most expensive essential oils.
Using Essential Oils
Essential oils can be used directly on the skin (sometimes diluted in a carrier oil such as almond, grapefruit seed or jojoba oil) or diffused into the air. Learn more about the benefits of essential oil diffusion on the Essential Drops of Joy website. Buy essential oils at discounted rates (24% off) with Kathleen Karlsen as your mentor (Brand Partner #1043288) at Young Living Essential Oils. Or learn more about essential oils and the seven major chakras on this website at Chakras and Essential Oils.
Click for more about Chakra Healing Stones.
Healing Stones for the Heart Chakra
Stones believed to positively influence the heart chakra are rose quartz, jade, and tourmaline. Many stones associated with the heart are pink or green in color.
Rose Quartz for the Heart Chakra
Rose quartz is the stone of love: unconditional, divine, and self-love. In Native American cultures, rose quartz was carved into an amulet called the “love stone.” Rose quartz can help to heal and soothe negative emotions. This stone is one of the most powerful stones for the heart and invokes compassion, forgiveness, and loving energies in its wearer.
Jade for the Heart Chakra
Jade is known for promoting good luck and prosperity. Jade has been valued for centuries and has rich history in Japanese and Chinese culture. Some jade stones are valued similarly to rare diamonds. Jade assists in increasing peace, love, and joy. This nurturing stone represents purity and serenity.
Tourmaline for the Heart Chakra Chakra
Tourmaline is a protective crystal that helps create a shield against negative energies. Tourmaline supports the heart chakra and encourages self love as well as a sense of safety. This beautiful gem was used in ancient Indian ceremonies to help people gain insight and solve problems. Pink tourmaline helps heal emotional pain from past experiences with its soothing effect.
Click for more about Chakra Gods & Goddesses.
Deities for the Heart Chakra
Hanuman is a key deity in the Hindu tradition associated with the heart chakra. Hanuman is the monkey god, hero of epics and stories in Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. Hanuman is the ardent devotee of Lord Rama, and he plays a central role in the epic poem Ramayana. On the feminine side, the female Buddha Kuan Yin. Kuan Yin appears in Indian sutras (scriptures) as well as in Chinese or Tibetan Buddhism.
Understanding the Monkey-God Hanuman
Hanuman is sometimes depicted as the patron of martial arts, wrestling, and acrobatics. I think of Hanuman as an Eastern superhero, somewhat akin to Superman or Spiderman or Batman. He is also the patron of meditation and scholarship. Some interpretations of the name Hanuman are based on the fact that the Sanskrit word “han” means “killed or destroyed” and “maana” means “pride.” Therefore the name Hanuman would mean “one whose pride was destroyed.”
Powers Given to Hanuman
The superpowers of Hanuman include the following:
•cannot be killed with any weapon in war
•power to induce fear in enemies
•power to destroy fear in friends
•cannot be harmed by lightning
•cannot be drowned (protection from water)
•cannot be harmed by fire
•can make himself as small or as large as he wants
•will always be happy and content
Kuan Yin and the Heart Chakra
She is associated with compassion, the primary quality of the heart. Kuan Yin symbolizes mercy and compassion. She is a bodhisattva. This means she has taken a vow to save all beings from suffering, foregoing full Buddhahood until all sentient beings are free. Kuan Yin comes as a Divine Mother to dispel all illusion.
The Legend of Kuan Yin
A beautiful legend is that Kuan Yin was on the threshold of heaven when she paused and heard the anguished cries of the world. She then returned to earth to help all who are suffering. Kuan Yin’s full name is Kuan-shih-yin. This means “one who regards, looks on and hears the sounds of the world.”
Evolution of Kuan Yin
Kuan Yin originally had the name and form of Avalokitesvara, a male name and masculine being. Avalokitesvara means “the lord who sees or hears the sounds of the world.” Avalokitesvara was a Buddhist deity who evolved in Tibet into the female buddha Kuan Yin. Learn more about her history and mantras in Kuan Yin Healing Mantras.
Click for more about Chakra & Organs.
Physical Organs and the Heart Chakra
The physical organs associated with the heart chakra are the heart itself, the circulatory system and the lungs. Within the heart on a spiritual dimension is an inner chamber where many traditions believe that the spark of life resides. In addition to the physical heart, other organs associated with the heart chakra include the circulatory system, lungs, upper back, thymus gland, breasts, arms, and lymphatic system.
Secret Chamber of the Heart
In the Western tradition, this inner chamber is called the inner castle or secret chamber of the heart. The spark is sometimes referred to as the three fold flame. This flame represents power (blue), wisdom (yellow) and love (pink). The fleur-de-lis is a symbol representing this three-in-one idea. Learn more about this symbol in the article Iris Flower Meaning – Royalty, Faith and the Symbolic Trinity.
Finding Brahma’s Cave in the Heart
In the Eastern tradition, this inner heart is referred to as Brahma’s Cave. Again, this is a place where an eternal spark resides, unmoved by outer events. The ability to retreat into the inner chamber of the heart may be a critical skill in the fast-paced modern world.
Heart Chakra Affirmations
Affirmations for the heart chakra focus on light, love and devotion. These affirmations can be used to create a positive future. Choose affirmations that fit your situation. Use them for at least a few minutes a day until you are satisfied with the results. The following affirmations can be said aloud, sung or read daily to reinforce positive thoughts.
I focus on the beauty and good in all that is in me and around me. I am willing to look at the Truth. I see goodness and right intentions everywhere. I willingly forgive myself and others.
Light, light, light! Let there be light! Healing light banishes all darkness from my heart, mind and body. I am the light of the world. I am a child of the light. I walk in the light.
I clothe myself safely round with the pure white light of the Christ into which nothing negative can penetrate, and out of which only good can come. I forgive any appearance of injury, recognizing an opportunity to prove the Truth.
I am intuitive understanding. Within me is the wisdom of the ages. The heart that knows how is showing me how. The heart that knows where is leading me there. The heart that knows when will tell me then.
I am surrounded and protected by the love of God. A blanket of warmth and love surrounds me and insulates me from harm or the perception or appearance of harm. I declare peace and harmony within and around me.
I am sensitive only to the good in others. I refrain from all judgment and criticism. My heart is shielded from misinterpretation of my motives and misunderstandings with others. I handle criticism easily, learn from my mistakes and let go of all resentment.

Heart Chakra Flowers
As the seat of love and devotion, the heart expresses charity, compassion, and kindness. The heart is also a focus for beauty and culture. The chakra flowers for the heart include the rose, forget-me-nots and camellias. Learn more in Chakra Flowers.
Roses for the Heart Chakra
The most well known flower meaning love is the rose! Additionally, roses mean passion. Roses are traditional for Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day and all other expressions of love. Wild roses have five petals. This has led to their symbolic connection to the wounds of Christ. Not only are roses perfect chakra flowers for the heart, but the rose is also associated with secret societies with mystical religious beliefs such as the Rosicrucians.
Forget-Me-Nots for the Heart Chakra
Forget-me-nots mean true love and memories. When we wish someone to be remembered, we often say they will “live forever in my heart.” This expression indicates the connection between these chakra flowers and the heart. There is a legend that Christ was sitting on Mary’s lap. Mary wished future generations could see them. Hence Jesus touched her eyes. Then he waved his hand over the ground. Blue forget-me-nots appeared.
Camellia Flowers for the Heart
Camellia flower meaning is everlasting love. For one thing, camellias bloom for many months. In contrast, other flowers may bloom for only a few weeks. For this reason, lovers give camellias to express ongoing devotion, a quality of the heart.
More Chakra Resources
Chakras and Musical Notes: Chakras and musical notes have been paired in a number of ways. Learn about both Western and Eastern systems.
Chakra Names: Chakra names reveal the roles of the chakras in the body on psychological, spiritual and emotional levels. Includes explanations of English and Sanskrit chakra names.
Chakra Flowers: Chakra flowers offer unique symbolic meaning for each of the seven major chakras. Flowers are among the oldest spiritual symbols, revealing the meaning of each chakra.
Author Kathleen Karlsen
Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.
The heart chakra is the seat of love and devotion. Many believe that there is a chamber within the heart that house the spark or flame of life. In addition to the physical heart, other organs associated with this chakra include the rest of the circulatory system and the lungs. This article includes information about the heart chakra symbol, healing stones, essential oils and Hindu deities that are associated with heart chakra meaning.