Kuan Yin Healing Mantras

Kuan Yin Heart Goddess

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Kuan Yin Healing Mantras

Kuan Yin is a Buddhist deity symbolizing mercy and compassion. She is a Buddhist savioress or bodhisattva. She has taken a vow to save all beings from suffering, foregoing full Buddhahood until all sentient beings are free. Kuan Yin comes as a Mother to dispel all illusion.

Legend of Kuan Yin
A beautiful legend is that Kuan Yin was on the threshold of heaven when she paused and heard the anguished cries of the world. She then returned to earth to help all who are suffering. Kuan Yin is the protectoress of women, sailors, merchants and children.

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The Bodhisattva Vow

The bodhisattva vow is the declaration to remain with the earth until all sentient beings are free. This vow forsakes attaining heaven even for one who has achieved that level of enlightenment. A simple version of the bodhisattva vow is the following:

There are innumerable sentient beings in the universe,
I vow to help them all to awaken.
My imperfections are inexhaustible,
I vow to overcome them all.
The dharma is unknowable,
I vow to know it.
The way of awakening is unattainable,
I vow to attain it.

Kuan Yin's Name and Origin

Kuan Yin’s full name is Kuan-shih-yin. This means “one who regards, looks on and hears the sounds of the world.” She originally had the name and form of Avalokitesvara, a male name and masculine being. Avalokitesvara means “the lord who sees or hears the sounds of the world”. Kuan Yin is also known as Kwan Yin or Guan Yin.

Kuan Yin and Avalokitesvara
Avalokitesvara was a Buddhist deity who embodied the Bodhisattva ideal of compassion. He evolved in Tibet into the female buddha Kuan Yin. The main mantra associated with Avalokitesvara is the six-syllable mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum.” This mantra literally means, “Hail to the jewel in the lotus!”

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Kuan Yin’s Mantras
Another well-known Kuan Yin mantra is “Namo Guan Sin-Yin Pusa.” Namo (Sanskrit) means “homage to” or “refuge in.” Guan (Chinese) means “observe” or “care.” Shi (Chinese) means “world.” Yin (Chinese) means “sound” or “voice.”

Mantra Translation and Meaning
Pusa (Sanskrit) means “Bodhisattva,” a being of great compassion and wisdom. “Mani” means “jewel.” A reasonable translation would be, “We sing homage to the one who observes the world with great compassion and wisdom.”

Buddhist Stories & Mantras

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10 Hearts of Kuan Yin Mantras

In the Buddhist scripture entitled Sutra of the Great Compassion Heart, the bodhisattva Kuan Yin is described as having ten major aspects to her heart. These aspects combine to create supreme compassion and love. The “Om Mani Padme Hum” mantra encompasses all aspects of Kuan Yin’s heart. However, each of these ten heart qualities has its own healing mantra as well.

FIRST HEART of Kuan Yin: The Merciful and Compassionate Heart

The merciful and compassionate heart of Kuan Yin achieves a balance between being aloof and being sympathetic to the point of enabling the destructive habits of others. This merciful heart includes discernment. To truly love, we must know when our assistance is advisable.

Na Mo Da Ci Bei Xin Guan Yin
I vow to quickly unite with the greatly merciful and compassionate heart of Kuan Yin!

SECOND HEART of Kuan Yin: The Equality Heart 

The equality heart is the heart free of prejudice. This heart possesses a divine impartiality. Although our present circumstances may not be equal, the value and potential of each soul is divinely equivalent. This understanding helps us to maintain our balance in both good and bad situations.

Na Mo Ping Deng Xin Guan Yin
I vow to quickly unite with the quality heart of Kuan Yin!

THIRD HEART of Kuan Yin: The Unconditioned Heart

The unconditioned heart of Kuan Yin is the heart that exists before external conditions or our own habits change the natural flow of energy through the heart. This is the heart that exists before addictions and unhealthy obsessions take hold. This is the heart we return to when we awaken to spiritual reality.

Na Mo Wu Wei Xin Guan Yin
I vow to quickly unite with the unconditioned heart of Kuan Yin!

FOURTH HEART of Kuan Yin: The Unpolluted Heart 

The unpolluted heart of Kuan Yin is untouched by lust or unrighteous desire of any kind. If we are driven by ambition or cravings for anything other than our highest self, this is the heart and mantra that can deliver us to true freedom.

Na Mo Wu Ran Jao Xin Guan Yin
I vow to quickly unite with the unpolluted heart of Kuan Yin!

FIFTH HEART of Kuan Yin: The Emptiness Heart 

The fifth heart of Kuan Yin recognizes the illusory nature of our current existence. To have an empty heart is to be free of unreality. When we no longer engage in the “dream” of our current reality, we can see clearly into other dimensions and realms.

Na Mo Wu Ran Jao Xin Guan Yin
I vow to quickly unite with the emptiness heart of Kuan Yin!

SIXTH HEART of Kuan Yin: The Respectful Heart 

The respectful heart of Kuan Yin sees the true nature of oneself and others. We respect the efforts of others and strive to embody their virtues. We are not subject to envy or jealousy. There is a recognition that each soul has unique contributions to make to life.

Na Mo Gong Jing Xin Guan Yin
I vow to quickly unite with the respectful heart of Kuan Yin!

SEVENTH HEART of Kuan Yin: The Humble Heart

To be truly humble is to recognize that it is the energy of life that flows through us that is accomplishing every task. Without the spirit or Source, we cannot move forward. We are vessels for Life. It is Life that animates us at every level.

Na Mo Bei Xia Xin Guan Yin
I vow to quickly unite with the humble heart of Kuan Yin!

EIGHTH HEART of Kuan Yin: The Heart of Clarity (Unconfused)

The eight heart of Kuan Yin is the heart that does not become clouded by the complicated nature of human existence. Although situations may appear to be entangled, there are usually simple solutions. Ultimately, all problems are spiritual in nature: health, prosperity, relationships and so forth.

Na Mo Wu Za Luan Xin Guan Yin
I vow to quickly unite with the unconfused heart of Kuan Yin!

NINTH HEART of Kuan Yin: The Heart of Non-Duality

The ninth heart helps us to be immune to the desire for possessions and appearances. This can be extremely helpful in the modern world due to the constant barrage of advertising and emotional manipulation. The non-dual heart is free from desires that would create unnecessary stress.

Na Mo Wu Jian Qu Xin Guan Yin
I vow to quickly unite with the non-duality heart of Kuan Yin!

TENTH HEART of Kuan Yin: The Supremely Enlightened Heart 

The tenth heart of Kuan Yin seeks only the riches of enlightenment. Every thought, every feeling and every desire remains fixed on a single goal. This is the heart of supreme freedom and non-attachment. The tenth heart connects to the thousand-petal lotus of the crown chakra.

Na Mo Wu Shang Pu Ti Xin Guan Yin
I vow to quickly unite with the supremely enlightened heart of Kuan Yin!

Resource: Gratitude to Dale Goodyear for sending me a copy of his informative book The Imitation of Kuan Yin: Finding Oneness with the Bodhisattva of Mercy (1996, revised 2011). Dale shares his work generously and can be reached at d_good_year@hotmail.com.

10 Protections of Kuan Yin

Kuan Yin is said to offer ten salvations or protections. These deliverances are described in the Lotus Sutra.

Protection from Fire

“If there are people who wish to harm you by pushing you into the great pit of inferno, think of the power of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara; the inferno pit will be transformed into a water pond.”

Protection from Water

“If you are drifting in a great ocean and facing imminent danger with dragons, fishes, and other demons, think of the power of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara; the waves will be unable to swallow you.”

Protection from Falling

“If you are at the summit of Mount Sumeru, and someone pushes you off the edge, think of the power of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara; you will be suspended in midair like the sun in the sky.”

Protection from Politics

“If you are suffering from the punishment of government, and your life is about to end by execution, think of the power of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara; the sword will be splintered into pieces.”

Protection from Prison

“If you are being locked in a prison and your hands and feet are being bound by chains and fetters, think of the power of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara; you will be released and freed.”

Protection from Curses and Poisons

“If there are people who wish to harm you by curses or poisonous herbs, think of the power of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara; the effects will be bounced back to the originator.”

Protection from Demons

“If you face harm from vicious rakshasas, poisonous dragons, or various demons, think of the power of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara; no one will dare to harm you.”

Protection from Evil Beasts

“If you are surrounded by evil beasts with sharp fangs and fearful claws, think of the power of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara; they will quickly flee and scamper away in all directions.”

Protection from Disputes or War

“If you have disputes before the court, or are fearful in the midst of the war, think of the power of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara; all enemies full of resentment will retreat.”

Protection to Have Children of Good Fortune

“If there are women who wish to give birth to a son, they should worship by giving offerings to Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, who will bestow them a son blessed with good fortune, virtue, and wisdom. If they wish to have a daughter, they will have a beautiful and adorable daughter blessed with accumulated benevolent roots.”

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Author Kathleen Karlsen

Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.


Kuan Yin is a Buddhist deity symbolizing mercy and compassion. This article includes a history of her origin and name, the ten mantras of Kuan Yin, and the ten protections of Kuan Yin.

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