Ganesha Sharanam Mantra
Ganesha is one of the most well-known and popular deities in the Hindu pantheon. He is also known as Ganapati or Lord Ganesh. He is the colorful and memorable elephant-headed son of Shiva and Parvati. Ganesha is commonly believed to be the ruler of new beginnings, success, wisdom, and learning.
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Where Did Ganesha Come From?
The symbolic and psychological meaning of Ganesha primarily centers around his role as the lord of new beginnings and the overcomer of obstacles. He is thought to bring good luck. Mantras and prayers to Ganesha are often used at the beginning of an undertaking. Ganesha is an unusual and beloved part of Hindu tradition.
How Ganesha Was Born
Tales of Ganesha’s origins differ widely. In some stories, Parvati created him from clay. Another legend says that Parvati created Ganesha from the soap suds in her bath. Another myth claims that Shiva’s laughter created him. In yet another tale, Ganesha simply appeared mysteriously and was found by Shiva and Parvati. Ganesha also has a brother named Kartikeya, the god of war.
Malini, Elephant-Headed Goddess
In a simple version of the story, Ganesha was born from Malini. Malini is an elephant-headed goddess. She drank bath water that Parvati had thrown into a river. Subsequently, Ganesha was born. These stories do not necessarily explain Ganesha meaning completely. A longer version of Ganesha’s origins involves the separation and eventual reunion of Shiva and the goddess Parvati. Read this story in the article Ganesha Meaning.
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Mreaning of the Ganesha Sharanam Mantra
There are a number of mantras to Ganesha. This video is a variation of one of the more common ones: Ganesha Sharanam, Sharanam Ganesha (2x), Sayisha Sharanam Sharanam Ganesha Sharanam (2x). Meaning: I take refuge (sayisha) in Ganesha. I surrender (sharanam) to Ganesha.
Qualities of Ganesha
Ganesha is associated with success, wisdom, learning and writing. Ganesha is a patron of the arts and sciences. In the natural world, elephants are known for high intelligence. In fact, they have the largest brain of any land animal.
Ganesha as a Mentor
In addition, elephants are artistic, can use tools and mimic human speech. In keeping with these things, Ganesha is a very curious and intellectual god. Thus, he holds great meaning in Hinduism as the god of intellect and wisdom.
Ganesha as a Spiritual Teacher
In contrast with his reputation as the remover of obstacles, Ganesha is occasionally thought to place obstacles in the path of those who need to be checked to establish a stronger foundation before moving further forward.
Role of Ganesha as Guru
Obstacles help the student to stay focused on immediate challenges in life. This is sometimes the role of an archetypical guru: to place obstacles along the path of the student to help them gain mastery. Thus, Ganesha meaning can include both help and hindrance.
Ganesha & Root Chakra Symbolism
Ganesha is associated with the root chakra at the base of the spine. The heaviness of an elephant connects them to the earth. This chakra is the foundation for the other energy centers located further along the spine.
Role of the Root Chakra
This chakra establishes a connection to your physical body, the earth, and the environment. The base chakra is associated with survival instincts for food, shelter, safety, comfort, and belonging. “Lam” (lum) is the seed syllable for the base chakra. The base chakra is said to support all of the other chakras.
Organs Governed by the Root Chakra
Most sources say that the base chakra governs the lower part of the body, including the legs, hips, lower back, and lower spine. These generally provide a strong foundation for physical health and a platform for our presence in the world.
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Author Kathleen Karlsen
Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.
Ganesha is well-known in the East as an aspect of God to appeal to at the beginning of new endeavors. He is the Hindu god of overcoming, a fusion of an elephant head and a human body. This article discusses the meaning of the mantra Ganesha Sharanam and the connection between Ganesha and the root chakra.