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Moon Mantra
The use of a moon mantra can be extremely helpful to offset challenges in your astrology or to expand the benefits of positive configurations. Planetary mantras are a significant part of Vedic astrology. Each mantra work in the subtle or unseen realms that influence our lives in every area.
When to Use a Moon Mantra
There are specific times when the planetary mantras below are purported to be the most effective: solstices; equinoxes; eclipses; new and full moons; and sunrise, noon, and sunset. However, planetary mantras can be beneficial at any time. Learn more in our Planetary Mantras article.
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Moon Mantra in Vedic Astrology
Lyrics: Om Cam Chandryya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of the moon.
The planetary mantra to the moon includes the seed syllable “cam” which connects to the fundamental vibration of the moon. In the Hindu tradition, the deity ruling over the moon is called Chandra. The name Chandra means “bright and shining” in Sanskrit. The moon in Vedic astrology represents the mind, including thoughts, feelings, and psychology.
Mystery of the Moon
The moon is associated with mystery and the hidden side of life. The moon is often viewed as the force that establishes a rhythm due to its changing phases. There are numerous moon deities in various world traditions. The moon has sometimes been viewed as masculine though more often it has feminine associations. Moon goddesses may represent only one phase of the moon. Each phase can be viewed as a new cycle of life. The full moon reflects completion, maturity or pregnancy.
The Moon and Religious Holidays
Many religions still use the moon to schedule significant holidays. For example, Easter is celebrated on the first full moon after spring equinox. The Chinese New Year starts following winter solstice and the second new moon. Passover in the Jewish tradition always happens on a full moon. In the Hindu tradition, the Festival of Lights called Diwali happens on the new moon when the sun enters Libra.

Symbolism of the Moon
The moon is closely associated with human emotions and the water element. Dreams of the moon are typically related to intuition or that which is hidden. This can be a positive association such as hidden talents. The moon can also represent anything which has a strong pull, reflected in the way that the moon affect ocean tides. Ultimately, the moon represents the power of rebirth.
Meaning of the Light of the Moon
The light of the moon is also associated with abundance. The light of the moon is softer than the light of the sun, more like splendor than brilliance. When the moon shines brightly, all is peaceful. The light of the moon can be a guide in the darkest of nights.
Pairing the Sun and Moon
The sun and moon are often paired together as husband and wife or brother and sister. This ancient pattern is carried forward even in the symbolism of Christianity. For example, the story of Saint Francis and Saint Claire, immortalized in film as Brother Sun, Sister Moon.

Moon Gods & Goddesses
Like many other deities, moon gods and goddesses have changed and evolved over time in different cultures. For example, the moon goddesses in Greek and Roman culture were changed to represent the different phases of the moon.
Moon Deities Around the World
In Greek culture, their moon goddess Selene became Artemis, then had an aspect named Hectate or Persephone for the dark moon phase, the new moon became Artemis or Kore, and her full moon aspect was known as Demeter. Other moon deities include the following:
Abuk: Dinka Moon Goddess
Abuk is the goddess of fertility, morality, creativity, and love in the Dinka tradition.
Artemis: Greek Moon Goddess
A Greek moon goddess who also ruled over the hunt, wilderness, wild animals, and chastity. Her Roman form was known as Diana.
Chandra: Moon God in Hinduism
Chandra is the Hindu moon god also known as Soma.
Chang Xi: Chinese Moon Goddess
Moon goddess in China, mother of 12 moons that correspond to the 12 months of the year.
Kabigat: Filipino Bontok Goddess
Filipino Bontok goddess who cut off the head of Chal-chal’s son. The origin of headhunting came from her actions.
Mayan Moon Goddess
The Mayan moon goddess does not have an official name, but she does have many forms. Each phase of the moon has a separate goddess, represented as a woman going through the phases of her life. She has been associated with sexuality and procreation, fertility, growth, and disease. She is heavily associated with water.
Moon Mantra & Other Planetary Mantras
Moon Mantra
One Word Mantra: CAM
Full Mantra: Om Cam Chandryya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of the moon.
Mars Planetary Mantra
One Word Mantra: KUM
Full Mantra: Om Kum Kujaya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Mars.
Mercury Planetary Mantra
One Word Mantra: BUM
Full Mantra: Om Bum Bhudhaya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Mercury.
Venus Planetary Mantra
One Word Mantra: SUM
Full Mantra: Om Sum Sukraya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Venus.
Saturn Planetary Mantra
One Word Mantra: SAM
Full Mantra: Om Sam Sanaya Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Saturn.
Jupiter Planetary Mantra
One Word Mantra: BRIM
Full Mantra: Om Brim Brihaspataye Namaha
Meaning: I offer salutations for transformation of the energy of Jupiter.
Author Kathleen Karlsen
Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.
This article is an introduction to the moon mantra and other planetary mantras in the Vedic tradition of astrology. Included are the mantras for the major planets as well as mantras for the sun and moon. Moon deities in other cultures are discussed. This article also includes a video demonstrating the moon mantra.