KRIM Seed Syllable for Divine Electricity
One word mantras including the KRIM seed syllable and the powerful bija seed syllables as well as other significant words in Sanskrit. These words are often used individually or in combination with each other in mantras. Many are associated with specific gods and goddesses in the Hindu tradition. Each bija syllable is reputed to possess particular powers. The alphabetical list below includes many of the most common one word mantras or bija seed syllables.
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KRIM Seed Syllable and the Goddess Kali
KRIM is the seed mantra of the goddess Kali, known for her powers of transformation. Kali is a consort of Shiva and the feminine counterpart to his power of destruction. Kali personifies the power that frees us from all that would hinder our return to the highest vibration.
One Word Mantra and the Elements
This mantra connects to the inner power of the deity we have chosen to emphasize. The krim bija mantra combines wind and electricity with fire. On the physical level, krim is like adrenaline. The circulatory and nervous systems are particularly affected as well as the heart and the liver.
Krim Bija Syllable and Vedic Astrology
Astrologically, the krim bija mantra relates primarily to the planet Mars, the planet of work and effort. Krim mantras can be harsh or strong and should be recited with care. An example of a mantra utilizing krim is “Om Krim Kalikayai Namaha” which calls the energy of Kali and her power into action in the world. The krim bija mantra is also connected to Indra, the god of heaven, thunder, lightning and the sky.
Krim Mantra and the Solar Plexus Chakra
Chakras are spiritual centers that direct the flow of energy in the human body. They are also associated with emotional and psychological patterns. These major energy centers in the body are places where a large number of meridians converge. The chakras are also associated with certain organs and bodily functions. All life experiences are stored in our chakras. Mantras can clear the chakras of negativity.
One Word Mantra for the Solar Plexus
The krim bija mantra primarily affects the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra is located at the naval, center of intuition (a gut feeling). This chakra is connected to both service and desires. This is the chakra where we get a gut feeling about people, places and events. The gut is the place of digestion. This connects the solar plexus chakra to the pancreas, liver, large intestines, stomach, and adrenals.
Role of the Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra is the seat of the self and the center of transformation, emotions and abundance. The third chakra or solar plexus chakra is known as Manipura. The name translates as the “city of jewels.” “Mani” means “gem” while “pura” means “city.” When purified, this is the chakra of inner peace.
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Importance of the Krim Bija Mantra
As noted above, the krim bija mantra is connected with divine electricity. This is like the spark of life or the fire necessary to enliven our physical forms. The association of this bija seed syllable with the Goddess Kali reinforces this idea: she is the master of both time and death.
Bija Seed Syllable History
Bija seed syllables including “krim” have a long history in Hinduism. Their use is included in the Vedas. They are also part of a long oral tradition that pre-dates the Vedas. The rishis or sages who meditated for years in mountain caves needed a way to keep their bodies strong and healthy. They had insufficient sunshine and food. Chanting mantras, especially the seed syllables, kept the energy flowing in their bodies and minds.
Seed Mantras to Increase Vital Energy
Today we can use this same technique to counterbalance the stress of modern living. Long days at computers are commonplace. Poor quality food and lack of exercise are also widespread. Using mantras as well as yoga and meditation are ancient proven tools to increase energy flow at every level.
Author Kathleen Karlsen
Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.
One word mantras include the powerful bija seed syllables often used individually or in combination with each other in mantras. These syllables can sometimes be correlated to energies in nature. This article explains the most common one word mantras, the main planetary seed syllables and the one word mantras for the chakras.