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Chamunda Mantra for Durga’s Protection
Chamunda is a name given to the Goddess Durga to honor her victory over the demons Chanda and Munda. The Chamunda Mantra is a powerful mantra for spiritual protection. Durga is known by many names including Bhagini (sister), Devi, Shakti and more.
Durga as Chamunda Devi
Durga personifies the vibration of the fierce mother, only moving into battle to protect her own and never simply for the sake of violence. In some circumstances, Durga leads a divine army. In her form as Chamunda Devi, she is sometimes called the goddess of war. She is often depicted with a frightening visage and skeletal body.
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Durga as a Warrior
Durga is a warrior goddess. She overthrows the forces that threaten peace, prosperity and all that is good. The name Durga means “a fort or a place that is difficult to overrun.” Durga is a goddess who saves her devotees from difficulties whenever possible.
The Many Arms of Durga
Durga is depicted as having eight to sixteen arms. This allows her to battle evil in every direction. Her eight arms hold an arrow, a bow, a sword, a discus, a lotus flower, a snake and a mace. A final hand is raised in a sign of peace. Durga remains peaceful even in the midst of battle.

Meaning of the Chamunda Mantra
When the warrior goddess Durga defeats the generals Chanda and Munda sent to attack her by the demon kings, she earns the right to be called by a new name: Chamundaye, meaning the one who defeated Chanda and Munda. The use of this name is the focus of the mantra to Durga known as the Chamunda Mantra or Durga’s Shield.
Chamunda Mantra Lyrics
The words to the Chamunda Mantra are “OM AIM HRIM KLIM Chamundaye Vicche.” The word “Namaha” meaning “I bow or give honor” can be added at the end of the mantra.
Meaning of OM in the Chamunda Mantra
The Sanskrit word OM is familiar to most people as the quintessential one-word mantra. OM is the fundamental sound connecting us to higher reality and the highest aspect of our own beings. Although a mantra all unto itself, OM is also the most common word in longer mantras.
Significance of OM
OM is believed to be a sound of the whole cosmic manifestation. OM is the sound of the universe, the sound from which all other sounds are formed. OM represents past, present and future. OM is a seed or building block of creation.
Meaning of AIM in the Chamunda Mantra
AIM (ieem) is the feminine counterpart of the bija mantra OM. The “AI” in AIM is pronounced “eye.” AIM is a manifest form of OM, that which is created and seen versus that which is purely in consciousness. AIM is the supreme shakti or feminine force known as Adi Shakti. AIM appears in many mantras to the goddesses and the Divine Mother.
Seed Syllable KRIM in the Chamunda Mantra
KRIM is a mantra of divine manifestation, specifically the divine electricity that exists behind all things. There is something about repeating this sound that feels like a mild, positive electrical stimulus. The word KRIM adds a second kind of fire to Durga’s mantra.
KRIM as the Power of Shakti
KRIM is the Kriya Shakti or power of action that operates on all levels. The inner action is the awakening of the kundalini. KRIM also rules over time, helping us to move from past karma and master time, space and action.
Meaning of Vicche or Vichche
The word “Vicche” means shield. Chamunda’s shield can protect form all types of negativity including poor health, black magic, physical attack and spiritual enemies.
Story of the Goddess Chamunda
In the Hindu tradition, the forces devoted to good are called devas. The enemies of the devas are the asuras or demons. Both sides have magical powers. If members of either side practice yogic austerities, they must be granted powers and boons by karmic law.
Infamous Brother Demons
Two infamous demons named Shumba and Nishumba are brothers. They have impressed Brahma the Creator by standing on one leg amidst five fires for a thousand years. In return, they are granted a boon: neither man nor god can defeat them in battle. They have become invincible and have conquered the heavens and the earth.
Finding a Way to Victory
One day a friendly sage tells Indra, the god of heaven, that there is a loophole: perhaps a goddess can defeat the demon brothers. Therefore, Indra and the other gods of heaven go in search of Durga, who is hiding in the mountains.
Goddess Durga as a Savioress
To lure her into the open, the gods sing her praises for 20,000 years. She must be asked for help according to cosmic law. Finally Durga appears and agrees to save the world and the realm of the gods.
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Durga Arrives at the Palace
Durga arrives at the palace of Shumba and Nishumba where they have amassed both armies and harems of beautiful women. She rides majestically into the courtyard on her lion. The guards have never seen a woman like her and invite her into the palace. The guards assume that she has come to offer herself as yet another bride to the demon brothers.
Durga Defeats a Large Platoon
Durga says that she can only marry a man who can defeat her in battle. The brothers laugh at this and send a small platoon to capture her. They tell their soldiers to drag her into the palace by her hair. She defeats the platoon. A larger platoon is sent and again defeated. Now the kings realize that the loophole has been discovered and they may be in trouble.
Durga Fights the Demon Kings
The demon kings send their massive armies under the command of the generals named Chanda and Munda. As noted above, these names are the origin of the Chamunda Mantra. The demon kings also send beasts of every type from every part of their kingdom. All of the forces attack Durga at once.
The Birth of the Goddess Kali
To aid in the battle, Kali emerges ferociously from Durga’s third eye. A host of other goddesses emerge from her form. After a furious battle, the army of goddesses defeats the army of demons. Now the demon kings Shumba and Nishumba emerge from their palace.
Durga Overcomes the Demon Kings
The demon kings tell Durga that she must fight them alone. She withdraws all of the goddesses back into herself. Durga fights them alone, defeating them both. As they die, the demons melt into Durga’s heart. They declare that she is their Divine Mother, as they pass from life into bliss.
Differences Between Durga and Kali
Durga and Kali are sometimes viewed as different sides of the same goddess. However, there is a significant difference. Kali loves to do battle. She relishes her role as a demon-slayer. The battle is exciting and empowering for her.
Characteristics of Durga
Durga, on the other hand, goes into battle only when her children or devotees are at stake. Her face is placid in the midst of battle. She has great mastery, skills and weapons. She does not enjoy the fight, but acts only to protect her own.
Author Kathleen Karlsen
Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.
The story of the Chamunda Mantra is a tale of spiritual protection in the form of a Hindu goddess. This article describes the battle between Durga and the demons Chanda and Munda. The meaning of each word in the Chamunda Mantra is also included.