Goddess Durga Weapons

Weapons of Goddess Durga

The weapons of Goddess Durga have deep symbolic meaning. In spite of being well-armed, Durga is always depicted with a calm and serene face even in the midst of battle. This tranquility is derived from the fact that she only acts out of necessity.

Durga does not fight for the pleasure of battle. She seeks only the good and the freedom those who depend on her. She is the guardian of the soul’s journey to liberation. many of her symbols and weapons are related to the spiritual path for her devotees.

The Power of Durga’s Many Limbs
Durga’s many limbs allow her to always be ready for battle in any direction. She also has three eyes, like her consort Shiva. Durga’s left eye is associated with the moon, symbolizing desire and lunar energy. Her right eye is connected to the sun and symbolizes action or solar energy.

Durga’s Third Eye
One of the most powerful weapons of Goddess Durga is her 3rd eye. The third eye in the middle of her forehead represents intuition and wisdom. Like Shiva, famous for shooting bolts of lightning from his third eye, Durga’s third eye is connected to the fire element. The three eyes also symbolize her vigilance. She is ever ready to do battle.

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Weapons of Durga

The many weapons and symbols associated with Durga include the seven items that she holds in her hands as well as the lion or tiger that she rides. References to these weapons and her powers appear in many Durga mantras and the extensive stories about the popular goddess.

Conch Shell or Shankh: Durga’s conch shell is connected to the word OM, the sound an source of all creation. The conch shell is used as a musical instrument. This is the sound that awakens the crown chakra, the place of final enlightenment. Om is the first word in many of Durga’s mantras.

Sword: One of the more familiar weapons of Durga is her sword. Durga’s sword symbolizes knowledge of the sacred word, a weapon that overcomes all others. This weapon also serves the practical purpose of self-defense against demons.

Disc: The disc held in Durga’s hand symbolizes the spinning wheel of the chakras. The chakra disc was given to Durga by Lord Vishnu. This chakra disc also represents the revolving of the universe around Durga as a representative of the Divine Mother.

Lotus Flower: The lotus flower is a symbol of Durga’s compassion for for her devotees in their struggles to attain liberation. The lotus grows in the mud but radiates beauty and fragrance.

Bow and Arrow: Another primary tool among the weapons of Goddess Durga is the bow and arrow. Durga holds both a bow and arrow in a single hand. This indicates complete mastery over energy, both potential (the bow) and kinetic (the arrow).

Snake: The snake held in Durga’s hand is symbolic of the kundalini energy. This is the feminine energy that lies coiled at the base of the spine, waiting to be drawn to meet the masculine energy in the crown chakra.

Thunderbolt or Vajra: One of the most famous of the weapons of Goddess Durga is the thunderbolt or vajra. Holding a thunderbolt indicates firmness in convictions. The vajra weapon represents the power of thunder. The thunderbolt shows that Durga attacks in complete confidence without fear.

Trishula: The trishul or trishula is a three-pronged weapon given to Durga by Shiva. The three prongs symbolize the qualities of tamas (calmness), sattva (salvation) and rajas (energy).

Spear: The spear is another key item in among the weapons of Goddess Durga. The spear was given to Durga by Agni Dev, the Lord of Fire. The spear is the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.

Axe: The axe was provided to Durga by Lord Vishwakarma, the divine architect. The axe empowers Durga to face challenges with confidence.

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Author Kathleen Karlsen

Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.


There are many weapons of Goddess Durga. All are aimed at protecting and assisting the devotee in the attainment of enlightenment. Each of these weapons have symbolic meaning and are included in her iconography. This article covers tens of the primary weapons of Goddess Durga.

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