Morning Glory Meaning

Morning Glory Meaning

Morning Glory Flower Meaning

Mythology, Eternal Love & Rebirth

Morning glory flower meaning includes eternal love, rebirth, resilience, life, and love in vain. These meanings derive from Chinese mythology as well as the botany of the flower itself. In the Victorian language of flowers, morning glories are a symbol of undying love.

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Morning Glory Flower Name
The morning glory is aptly named, as it blooms in the morning and dies by the afternoon. This symbolizes the cycle of life and rebirth. Likewise, the morning glory flower is resilient, rising each morning to face the challenges of a new day.

Morning Glory Color Symbolism
The symbolism of morning glory flowers is also affected by their color. Morning glories come in blue, purple, red, pink, white, and yellow. See morning glory color meaning below.

Morning Glory in Chinese Mythology

According to Chinese lore, Chien Niu was a boy star who was entrusted to take care of water buffalo in the heavenly kingdom. A girl star named Chih Neu was put in charge of seamstress duties. The two stars fell in love. 

Star-Crossed Lovers
The romance caused them to neglect their duties. In anger, God forced the young lovers to be separated on both sides of the Silver River and allowed them to meet only once during the whole year. 

A Single Day When Lovers Meet
The star-shaped morning glory is symbolic of the single day each year in which the Chinese lovers, Chien Niu and Chih Neu, are allowed to meet. This lore is also connected to the fact that morning glory flowers last for only one day. They bloom in the morning and die by evening.

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Morning Glory Spiritual Meaning

Morning glory seeds were used in Mexico in religious ceremonies to induce a dreamlike state. This was purported to allow one to better commune with the gods. The Mayans used the seeds in a beverage to bring about a state in which prophecy was possible.

Psychedelic Seeds of Morning Glory Flowers
The seeds of morning glories contain lysergic acid amide (LSA). This is chemically similar to LSD. For this reason, the seeds are associated with hallucinations and strong psychedelic experiences. LSA is not a controlled substance, but there are potential side effects. 

Danger of Morning Glories
Morning glories can be toxic and will cause nerve damage in large doses. Nausea, vomiting, anxiety, increased blood pressure and other impacts may occur when consumed in large quantities. Therefore, morning glory flower seeds are viewed as poisonous.

Morning Glory Meaning

Symbolism of Morning Glory Colors

Morning glories are a hardy vine indigenous to South America. They also grow well in England’s cool climate. This led to their popularity during the Victorian era. The flower now grows all over the world. In some places morning glory flowers can even be invasive. As noted above, morning glory flowers come in blue, purple, red, pink, white, and yellow.

Blue Morning Glory Flower Meaning
Blue morning glories mean trust and respect. In the five elements of feng shui and other Eastern systems, blue is also associated with the water element. The color meanings of blue are related to freedom, strength and new beginnings. In addition, blue skies mean optimism and better opportunities. Blue is the top favorite color in the world!

White Morning Glory Flower Meaning
White morning glories symbolize purity and innocence. White awakens creativity and stabilizes energy, giving a general boost that amplifies all other colors. Use white to give breathing space in your garden from the intensity of bright colors demanding attention.

Red Morning Glory Flower Meaning
Red morning glories represent passion and romance. In addition, the color red represents the will to win, love of sports, and the survival instinct. Red flowers are stimulating and eye-catching. The intensity of red flowers creates movement and drama. As a general principle, red flowers are warming, activating and energizing.

Pink Morning Glory Flower Meaning
Pink morning glories mean affection and thoughtfulness. Pink flowers symbolize love and healing from grief, anxiety, or emotional trauma. On the psychological level, pink eases anger and feelings of neglect. Pink can assist in alleviating emotional scars from past experiences. However, too much pink may result is hypersensitivity and emotionalism.

Purple Morning Glory Flower Meaning
Purple morning glories symbolize royalty and beauty. Purple and violet colors soothe the mind and nerves. Some color psychologists say purple helps to relieve tension and dissipate anger and violence. Violet is related to the psychological quality of transformation, transmutation, and the balance of power and love. Additional meanings include charisma, charm, magical abilities and tolerance.

Yellow Morning Glory Flower Meaning
Yellow flowers are the heralds of spring. Sunshine yellow flower morning glory flowers symbolize the clearing away of the winter and stimulate clear thinking. The color meanings of yellow are enthusiasm, confidence, cheerfulness, sense of humor, fun, optimism and intellectuality. Yellow stimulates mental faculties as well as supporting the elimination system in the body. However, too much yellow may result in nervousness and a racing mind.

Morning Glory Flower Meaning And Other Uses

Morning Glory Medicinal Uses

Morning glories are known in China for their medicinal properties. The seeds are said to have a laxative effect. In Chinese traditional medicine, morning glories have been used to support the health of the lungs, kidneys, and large intestines. Morning glory seeds can act as a diuretic to reduce swelling and water retention. Morning glories have also been used to induce labor.

More Uses of Morning Glory Flowers
Native Americans used morning glories to make a tea to alleviate coughs and lung congestion. The leaves were used in powder form for stomach discomfort and headaches. Morning glory flowers can also be used to make wine. The flowers are soaked for about two weeks in cold water before the fermentation process begins.

Morning Glory Culinary Uses

Certain types of morning glories are edible. The water morning glory, also known as water spinach or swamp cabbage, can be eaten raw like lettuce. Although categorized as a noxious weed, the state of Texas allows water spinach to be grown for personal consumption.

Cooking with Morning Glory Flowers
The roots and stems are edible though not considered a delicacy. They can be eaten in small amounts if cooked. They are “famine foods.” Morning glory leaves can be used in stir-fry dishes to add variety and interest. Morning glories are part of the nightshade family along with potatoes, bell peppers and tobacco.

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More About Morning Glory Flowers

In ancient Mesopotamia, morning glory juice was used in combination with substance from the Castilla elastica tree to make a bouncing rubber ball over three thousand years ago.

Growing Morning Glory Flowers
The flowers are funnel-shaped and prefer full sun. Morning glories will grow in poor, dry soil. They are a vine flower and are highly useful for trellises where they reduce the heating and cooling costs of buildings.

Varieties of Morning Glories
There are thousands of morning glory varieties. Sweet potatoes are part of the same family. A few of the well-know morning glory flower varieties are Blue Morning Glory (Ipomoea Indica), Moonflowers (Ipomoea alba), and Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea batatas).

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Author Kathleen Karlsen

Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.


Morning glory flowers mean includes life and rebirth. Some meanings are derived from Chinese mythology. Other meanings stem from the fact that morning glories bloom for less than a day. Morning glory flower meaning can also vary based on the flower color. Learn all about beautiful morning glories in this comprehensive article.

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