Gayatri Yantra Meaning
The Gayatri yantra includes multiple layers of spiritual significance. The Gayatri yantra is a visual counterpart for a family of mantras known as the Gayatris. The term “gayatri” refers to a Vedic poetic meter of twenty-four syllables or any hymn composed in this meter. Hence, there exists a whole family of Gayatri Mantras, all of which serve as meditative aids. Estimates are that there are over 400 Gayatri poems in the Hindu tradition.
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Geometry of the Gayatri Yantra
One level of meaning is the geometry used to create the Gayatri yantra. Yantras usually have a central form radiating out from the center. The intent of a yantra is to focus the mind as well as to serve as a repository of spiritual energy. For this reason, yantras can also be used as protective devices.
Comparing Mandalas and Yantras
Hindu yantras are similar to Buddhist mandalas. One difference is the relative simplicity of design in yantras compared with more complex mandalas. Mandalas often include a depiction of the form of a particular deity. Yantras, on the other hand, are usually composed of geometric forms and stylized symbols based on nature. Some exceptions do exist.
Gates of the Gayatri Yantra
The outermost form of the yantra is a square with four protrusions known as gates. These are four sacred doors opening to the four directions. Yantras are drawn with mathematical precision. Each angle is exactly symmetrical. A yantra is a type of formula of primal shapes much like the formula of individual sounds in a mantra. The forms are building blocks of energy patterns just as atoms are building blocks in matter. Yantras are intended to inspire man to self-transcendence.
Learn more about One Word Mantras!
OM as the Center of the Gayatri Yantra
Central to the Gayatri yantra symbol meaning is the Sanskrit syllable OM. Yantras and mantras are always found in conjunction with one another. The form of the yantra is viewed as condensed or crystallized sound. The lines and planes within the yantra are viewed as a kind of circuitry for conducting spiritual electricity. The spaces are also significant, creating a sacred place for manifestation. Specific forms have meaning as described in the following sections.Gayatri Yantra Triangles
Triangles are the simplest forms which can create space. If there are less than three lines, there is no way to have a boundary around a form. This gives the triangle significance as the first possible shape. From this first shape comes the original symbols of duality: the masculine and the feminine. A triangle sitting on its base represents the masculine. An inverted triangle represents the feminine.
Meaning of the Hexagon
For the Gayatri yantra symbol meaning, as in many other yantras, the two triangle overlap to form a a star-hexagon. This is not only symbolic of the union of male and female, but also spirit and matter. The numerical equivalent is a six, the total of all sides.

Gayatri Yantra Circle Meaning
The most fundamental meaning of the circle is cycles of time. There is also a connection to astrological cycles. Since the circle has no beginning and no ending, the circle also represents infinite time. There are two circles in the Gayatri yantra. The outer circle encloses all of the other forms. The inner circle anchors the lotus petals.Gayatri Yantra and the Lotus
The lotus petals around the inner circle in the Gayatri yantra symbol mean the unfolding of spirituality or divinity. The lotus is also connected to the act of creation. Many deities in Hinduism are shown springing forth from a lotus flower, holding a lotus flower or sitting on a lotus seat. The lotus petals are also present in depictions of the seven chakras.Author Kathleen Karlsen
Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.