Mantra for Eyesight
A mantra for eyesight is often related to the sun, the source of life. Healing mantras have an ancient history. For thousands of years the rishis of India (Hindu sages) experimented with the effects of chanting. Mantras are keys to connecting with and embodying the aspect of God’s consciousness exemplified by a particular deity. This can result in spiritual, emotional and even physical healing.
Supporting Vision with Mantras
The usefulness of a mantra for eyesight is clear in the modern world. For example, many of us experience the strain of long hours of computer use. Other stressors such as poor diet can contribute to challenges with vision. Whatever the cause, the fact is that nearly 63% of all Americans wear glasses or contacts. The numbers are likely similar in other industrialized countries. In addition, there are many other common conditions that interfere with comfortable, healthy vision.
Supporting Your Health with a Mantra for Eyesight
Most of us would agree that our eyes are our most precious sense organ. To see a beautiful sunset or the face of someone we love is one of the greatest joys in life. Regular eye exams and proper eye care are paramount. In addition, mantras are a wonderful way to support the health of the eyes. Although they cannot be prescribed as curative, mantras can contribute significantly to overall health and wellness.
Transformative Power of Mantras
Mantras are worded formulas that come from ancient traditions. Each word creates a vibration that is thought to have the ability to change matter. Thus, mantras are believed to have transformative powers. This article covers the potential benefits of an eye healing mantra.
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Using an Mantra for Eyesight
You will probably want to have a comfortable chair in a quiet place to recite a mantra. An eye healing mantra can be done for five to ten minutes a day or more if you have the inspiration. Finding a time in the morning and then again in the evening is ideal. Visualize healing energy flowing into your eyes for a tremendous added benefit.
Choosing a Mantra for Eyesight
There are several approaches to choosing a mantra for eyesight. We’ll look at examples of mantras from each of the following categories:
- Mantras to specific Hindu deities for eyesight
- Mantras and seed syllables for the third eye chakra
- An astrological mantra for the eyes
- Mantras created from affirmations for eyesight
The mantra in the video below is specifically for vision and eyesight. “Suryaya” means the shining rays of the sun. “Grinihi” is an attribute of the sun that heals and strengthens the eyes. Meaning: “I salute the shining one that heals the eyes.”
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Eye Healing through a Sun Invocation
The deity most closely associated with healing the eyes is the sun god. In the Hindu tradition, the sun is personified as a god named Surya. As the source of life, the sun is the ultimate healer. The sun literally powers our world. Thus, the sun brings hope, cheerfulness, and optimism.
Connection Between the Sun and the Eyes
Interestingly, many mantras for the eyes are chants to the sun. This makes sense: the sun shines the light in our world that allows us to see clearly. The sun warms us and relaxes us, letting our minds and bodies rest. The sun is the ultimate healer for many conditions, but specifically for the eyes.
Symbolism of the Sun
The sun is the source of life, giving the energy to plants and animals for survival. The sun is associated with positivity, clarity, confidence and power. The sun is generally related to masculine energy, growth and higher consciousness. The sun god Surya carries these symbolic meanings.
Additional Sun Mantra for Eyesight
Om Namo Bhagavate Aaditya Rupaaya Aagachh
Aagachh Mam Aakshirogam Aakshipeeda Naashaya Swaha.
This is a more complicated mantra for eyesight to Surya. This mantra is purported to soothe and heal the eyes while removing discomfort. “Om” is the universal hum that helps to focus the mind at the beginning of a mantra. The word “namo” means “I honor” or “I bow.”
“Bhagavate” is the supreme God. The word literally means “glorious, fortunate, holy, illustrious, and venerable.” The word “Aaditya” is another name for the sun, a reference to sunshine. “Rupaaya” means “in the form of.” The word “mam” me “to me” or “unto me.” The basic idea is calling for the energy of sunshine as an aid to healing the eyes.
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Shiva Mantra for the Sun
This chant is in honor of Shiva who “is like the sun” (Ra). Hari means “the remover” and refers to Shiva as the one who remove all suffering. Shiva is also closely connected to the third eye chakra. The combination of the reference to the sun and Shiva’s connection to the third eye makes this a suitable eye healing mantra. Learn more about the third eye chakra in the article Third Eye Chakra Symbol.
Shiva Ra Lyrics
Hari Om, Hari Om
Shiva Ra Namo
The Relationship Between Light and Eyesight
The eyes are dependent on light to function. As light passes through the front of the eye, the dome-shaped cornea bends the light to focus the eye. The iris controls how much light the pupil lets in. The light then hits the retina, a light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye.
Photoreceptors in the retina turn the light into electrical signals. When those signals travel through the optic nerve to the brain, they are turned into images. Mantras send vibrations through the entire head and skull, positively affecting the brain, eyes, ears, and so forth.

Powerful Healing Mantra to Rama
Rama (or Ram) lived thousands of years ago in India. He possessed great spiritual authority and was known for the healings and blessings he bestowed on others. The word “ram” is also the Sanskrit seed syllable for the solar plexus. This means that the powerful emotional energy of the solar plexus can be activated using this syllable. That emotional energy can be directed towards healing.
Stimulating the Energy Pathways
The name “Rama” itself stimulates both the masculine energy of the sun (ra) and the energy of the Divine Mother (ma). These energies intertwine around the spine as shown in the symbol of the caduceus. Chanting these two syllables brings the energy from the base to the crown, clearing and healing the chakras and related organs along the way.
Rama Healing Chant
Om Apadamapa Hataram Dataram
Sarva Sampadam
Lokah Bhi Ramam Sri Ramam
Bhuyo Bhuyo Namam Yaham
Other deities associated with the third eye include Vishnu in his incarnation as Krishna. A simple mantra to Krishna is “Devakinandana Gopala.” This mantra means “Gopala is the joy or bliss (ananda) of his mother Devaki.” Hear mantras and learn more at Krishna Mantra.
Author Kathleen Karlsen
Kathleen Karlsen is a musician, artist, writer and speaker. She is the author of two books (Flower Symbols and Vocal Medicine) and over 200 articles. Kathleen, her husband Andrew, and their five children live in Bozeman, Montana. More about Kathleen Karlsen.
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This article covers the origin and uses of sacred mantras for healing the eyes and vision. Ancient mantras have been constructed with healing in mind. They are created to stimulate the various systems in the body to provide a strong and healthy foundation for mediation and other spiritual practices. Most eye healing mantras are associated with the sun. In this case, the Hindu sun god is Surya.